Italy 24 Press News

“Giacomo Matteotti. The best Italy” Federico Fornaro Friday Auditorium Fondazione DS Brescia

Brescia. On Friday 7 June, at 5.30 pm, at the Fondazione Ds Auditorium, in via Pietro Metastasio 26 in Brescia, the presentation of the book Federico Fornaro: “Giacomo Matteotti”. The best Italy. (Bollati Boringhieri 2024).
Introduces: Luciano Bono, DS Brescia Foundation.
They talk to the author:
Gianni Girelli, Member of Parliament.
Paolo Corsini, historical.
One hundred years ago, on May 30, 1924, the famous speech delivered by was held in the Chamber Giacomo Matteotti, secretary of the Unity Socialist Party, who denounced the violence and abuses committed by the fascist regime to win the elections. An act of great courage on the part of the Polesine deputy, born in Fratta Polesine on 22 May 1885. Giacomo Matteotti was kidnapped on 10 June 1924 and killed by some squadristi. A crime for which Mussolini then publicly assumed responsibility in a speech on 3 January 1925.

The ceremony in memory of was held on Thursday 30 May 2024 in Montecitorio Giacomo Matteotti in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and of all the highest offices of the State. Three hundred students from all over Italy were also in the classroom.
The meeting with Federico Fornaro is promoted by the DS Brescia Foundation in collaboration with the Dieci Giornate Association.
For Ds Foundation events: Facebook DS Brescia Foundation
Free admission.

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