Italy 24 Press News

Paving, more controversy – L’Aquila

THE EAGLE. There is no peace for the new paving in the historic center. Not even now that the construction site along the Corso has recently dismantled the tents from the stretch at the top of Piazza Duomo. To the point that, even when everything seems to be going smoothly – so much so that at least for once the various cases of delay in the works (Piazza Chiarino and Piazza Duomo above all), the problems due to the difficult coexistence between traders and workers, the subtraction of the few parking spaces still available and the continuous changes to the road system produced – here the controversy shifts to the finished product. Or rather, on the stability of the result achieved. A result apparently soiled right down to its commemorative plaque, where an indelible central stain stands out between the symbol of the municipality and that of rebirth. The same can be found, with different shapes and sizes, in various other points of the city centre. The report comes from the lawyer Fausto Corti, which on its Facebook page lets the images speak for themselves about the current conditions of what has recently returned within walking distance. Other photos in fact concern Piazza Regina Margherita, the scene of multiple administration activities and therefore perpetually at risk of “smudging”. Controversy therefore follows closely the skids of the truck on the occasion of the recent Vinaria demonstration, which recklessly passed through the recently repaved part of Piazza Duomo only a week ago, with the opposition immediately arising maintenance costs in hand: «between 12 thousand and 18 thousand euros for each passage of vehicles, considering only the Corso, from the Luminous Fountain to Piazza Duomo”, equivalent to “580 thousand euros per year for weekly cleaning”.

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