Italy 24 Press News

«We want to make the city more and more attractive» – Teramo

Ferretti’s answers.
1) It’s not Atri that’s becoming depopulated, it’s all of Italy. There are no possible actions, certainly not at municipal level; what a Municipality can and must do, and what Atri has done during our administration, is to make itself attractive, to ensure that the number of those who choose to come to live in Atri is greater than the number of those who must instead go to live elsewhere. In the last three years, in fact, the number of immigrants from other municipalities has been far greater than that of emigrants, and this is due to our initiatives aimed at developing the attractiveness of Atri.
2) For the museum we have started a constructive dialogue for its reopening. The cloister and the Roman cistern have already been reopened to the public, while the museum is currently in the final phase of restoration and set-up works. As regards the municipal theatre, we decided to transform the former bar into a foyer. Thanks to the artistic redevelopment interventions begun during the past administration, with the contribution of the Atrian artist Ireneo Janni, we are creating a multipurpose cultural space.
3) Since 2018, in agreement with Confindustria Teramo, the Municipality of Atri has promoted the inclusion of the industrial nucleus of Atri in the Zes perimeter in consideration of its strategic location as an area between the Roseto interport and the industrial areas of Pineto and Stracca (Casoli). It is necessary to insist with the new regional council because this measure would allow the attraction of further investments in addition to those already underway and no less important from private individuals, who have taken over all the former factories. I intend to facilitate the creation of further sites in every way and I already have news of a new investor who could build a warehouse in Piane Sant’Andrea.
4) There are two answers that we want to give to the demand for new parking spaces: the 60-space car park that will be created in Porta Macelli, thanks to a double loan for a total amount of 1.1 million, the expropriations have already been concluded and will soon the construction site will open; and the car park that will be built in place of the middle school.
5) The Atri hospital is in a strategic position and despite being a hospital of the ASL of Teramo, it has effectively become the second hospital in Pescara, since over 30% of admissions come from the municipalities of the Pescarese area. Furthermore, in terms of number of services it is the second in the Teramo Local Health Authority. With these numbers the Region will be unable not to plan to strengthen the garrison. We will have to resume the idea of ​​a “vast area” which has already seen this garrison serving northern Pescara in recent years. For the specialties it has today, San liberatore is an excellence and has clearly demonstrated this during the pandemic.
6) I don’t want to imagine the future of Atri, I want to continue building it, developing the guidelines we have drawn up in recent years. I think of the many works completed and those under construction, the rebirth of the neighborhoods that have been redeveloped, the strengthening of the services we have launched, but above all the new idea of ​​tourism that we want to affirm. Not only classic tourism, but also religious, sporting and scholastic tourism. With a view to creating an increasingly dense network of accommodation facilities, we will create a guesthouse in the former bowling alley and restore the 27 mini accommodations for Erasmus students in Palazzo Cardinale Cicada.(ec)

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