Italy 24 Press News

Sassari, the Chighizzu tunnel will reopen in July towards Cagliari, then it will close towards Sassari

After months of inconvenience and slow traffic, finally good news for motorists in Sassari who have been waiting for many months: by the end of July, the Chighizzu tunnels will once again have four lanes, two for each direction.

This means an end to the long queues and slowdowns that have plagued the area for so long, especially during peak times.

The structural and plant modernization of the tunnels, carried out by ANAS, were necessary to adapt the tunnels to current regulations. The Chighizzu tunnels are part of the Ten-T trans-European network and must meet specific safety requirements. The works, with a total investment of over 15 million euros, concern all four carriageways.

So far, work has been completed in the two smaller tunnels, approximately 200 meters long each, in both directions.

Currently, the interventions are concentrating on the longest tunnel, approximately 800 metres, in the direction of Cagliari. This work is expected to be completed by July 2024thus allowing circulation to be restored on all four carriageways without limitations.

The situation has created quite a few problems for motorists in recent months. When entering and leaving Sassari, especially during rush hours, the slow traffic has caused considerable inconvenience with thousands of cars passing through this artery daily. Traveling with only one lane in each direction has in fact worsened the situation, making travel times much longer.

With the reopening of the four lanes, traffic will return to normal, significantly improving travel times and reducing traffic. However, the joy may be short-lived; it is important to remember that at a later time (it is not yet known when) the same interventions will be carried out in the opposite direction, towards Sassari, to ensure that that route also meets safety standards. And therefore the current situation could be generated again.

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