Italy 24 Press News

eleven new lines and eight more buses

Eleven new lines (plus 14 derivatives) and 8 more buses, for an increase of 487 thousand kilometres. These are the numbers from the transport improvement plan…

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Eleven new lines (plus 14 derivatives) e 8 buses in addition, for an increase of 487 thousand kilometers. These are the numbers of the plan to strengthen school transport approved yesterday by the municipal council on the proposal of the councillor Luigi Ambrosone. A need that will be particularly felt by students who are citizens or coming from the province starting from September, when students will have to deal with the transfer of the bus terminal in via Pertini to via Rivellini (Santa Colomba), and the consequent creation of stop points in via Mustilli-Rotonda delle Scienze and via Diacono (Central station). The document will now be sent to the Region for financing, the availability of which has already been anticipated in recent weeks at the Public Transport Committee and during discussions with the regional delegate Cascone.


«We have recorded – say the mayor Clemente Mastella and the transport councilor Ambrosone – that the service has shortcomings in the time slots 10am – 1pm and 3pm – 6pm, which are particularly functional both to the needs of university students who attend academic centers and to students who participate in sports, recreational and training courses and specialists organized in the afternoon. We examined the impact of the upcoming move of the extra-urban terminal, and requested an increased requirement of 480 thousand kilometers per year. We are confident that the Region supports this proposal to strengthen the public transport service.” «We will offer – adds Ambrosone – an urban mobility service for students even in those suburbs where the service is currently non-existent such as Ponte Valentino, Olivola, Acquafredda. Account was also taken of the neighborhoods of the city without a public transport school service in the afternoon such as Triggio and Pietà, or completely without such as Santa Clementina. The proposal consists of an enhancement not only during the school period in the strict sense, but also of an offer in the time intervals from 1st to 12th September and from 10th June to 31st July, to allow university students to go to study rooms, libraries, teachers’ workshops and receptions”.


The proposal provides for a total of 487,366 additional kilometres, of which 424,244 for the ordinary school period and 63,122 for the extra periods dedicated to university students. 11 new lines and 14 branch lines will be activated with an expansion of the vehicle fleet by 8 units. There are 8 areas of increase identified. In Z1 (San Vitale), where the service is currently only offered in the morning, there will be the establishment of line 8 bis in the time slot 9-19, with a frequency of 50 minute runs and terminus in via Mustilli. In Z2 (Olivola-Pezzapiana), currently not reached by any public transport bus, line 20 will arrive in the 7am-7pm time slot, with an average frequency of 30 minutes and terminus in via Diacono, at the railway station. For the Z3 (Ponte Valentino-Acquafredda-San Chirico), itself currently without urban connections, it is proposed to activate bus 28, between 7am and 8pm, with a passage frequency of 60 minutes. It will leave from the industrial area of ​​Ponte Valentino to arrive at the via Rivellini station. Z4 (Capodimonte district, Cancelleria and Palati districts) will see the current line 11 upgraded with an additional 11-bis in the 9-19 range. The frequency of the trips is set at 45 minutes, the terminus is in the Palati district and at the central station. For Z5 (Piano Cappelle-Iannassi) where the Agricultural Institute is also located, line 7 will be upgraded with an encore between 9am and 7pm. Services run every 45 minutes, terminus at the Rotonda delle Scienze. In quadrant Z6 (casale Maccabei – Santa Colomba – Montecalvo), the current lines 9, 14 and 15 will be replaced by a single line 14 Bis between 9 and 18.30 (40 minute frequency) with departure from Casale Maccabei and arrival in via dei Mulini near the Cubo dell’Unisannio structure. The Z7 (Ciancelle – Epitaffio district) will use the 5/10Bis line (time slot 7am-7pm) with terminus in Rotonda delle Scienze. News also coming to the centre. Triggio and Pietà, currently without urban transport in the afternoon, will be able to count on the activation of line 30 in the time slot 9am – 7pm with a frequency of 40 minutes and terminus in via Diacono (central station) and in viale degli Atlantici.


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