Italy 24 Press News


by Domenico Verlingieri – I have always believed in Sulmona Futsal, fighting against skepticism and against those who didn’t understand my passion, often replying to me: “How can you follow five-a-side football?”. The truth is that my first time at the Sulmona arena, when the team was playing the C2, I thought it would be a unique appearance. And instead I changed my mind from the first day: that world fascinated me and I never left that building again. Futsal is a training sport, a vehicle for growth for many who later made their fortune in 11-a-side football. Think of Thiago Motta, one of the most acclaimed coaches of the moment, who has origins in 5-a-side football. This says a lot about the level of futsal and, as far as Sulmona is concerned, it is more than a sport. From C2 to Serie A2, it’s not a dream but a reality! Now the whole city must rally around this team, the highest ever in team sports. In Sulmona Futsal there is everything: in addition to the first team, a well-established football school, various youth categories and a women’s team. We must feel Sulmona Futsal like blood in our veins. I won’t hide from you that in recent years I have had to fight against the envy of those who claimed that I was giving too much space to Sulmona Futsal. But I only gave space to a reality destined to grow, as has happened. When you see design in something, you have to support it. Excuse me, but I had to remove some pebbles. Thanks to those who give me the opportunity to continue following Sulmona Futsal. What a joy, now we are in Serie A2! The facts prove that I made the right choice.

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