Italy 24 Press News

Emergency at the Lagonegro garrison: Appeal from the FIALS of Potenza for more human resources

LAGONEGRO (PZ) – The undersigned OS FIALS, represented by the General Secretary Giuseppe Costanzo, wishes to once again draw the attention of the General Management of the AOR San Carlo di Potenza to the critical situation of the shortage of nursing staff, OSS and technicians at the Lagonegro PO .

Despite various reminders and reports made in the past, the situation has not seen any significant improvement, especially on the eve of the summer holidays. Giuseppe Costanzo underlines that the Bronchopneumology department currently has only 6 shift workers, a number lower than the minimum expected. As regards the OSS, there are only 7 operators, shared between Medicine and Bronchopneumology. It is structurally impossible to merge the staff of the two departments due to the physical separation via a corridor. Despite this, the announced merger is considered the best solution to make up for the staff shortage. This situation risks leaving sick people without continuity of care.

Costanzo highlights that the structural conditions of the Medicine UOC prevent adequate assistance from the OSS, already in short supply, with practical difficulties due to the lack of suitable space for the use of aids for the movement of sick people. OSS personnel are subjected to extreme work stress and their health is compromised due to the handling of weights and the postures they must assume in limited spaces.

In the Orthopedics department, 5 out of 12 units are missing, forcing the staff to work grueling shifts. Giuseppe Costanzo states that the company claims that on paper the number is adequate, but the reality is very different. The Emergency Department has seen a reduction of 2 units of nursing staff in the last 2 months, with a lower number of OSS compared to the other SPOKE facilities, despite the 2000 monthly accesses in the summer months. Even in Paediatrics, the number of employees is insufficient and makes compliance with the summer holiday plan complex.

Costanzo reports that the Presidium staff are “left to themselves”, having to manage as best they can in the event of absences due to illness of colleagues, external transport and transfers, in the absence of availability or availability of additional shifts with additional services to cover the absences unexpected events and make up for such eventualities. During the last meeting, it was announced that no new nurses will be assigned but only some OSS, an insufficient decision to fill the serious shortage of operators. Furthermore, additional services have been eliminated for nurses.

Giuseppe Costanzo reiterates that the staff calculation based on the Agenas guidelines is not applied correctly. The number of staff must be calculated on the basis of actual presence on shift and long absences must be replaced. To date, the General Management has not identified the minimum staffing levels in the event of a strike, violating the law. The lack of OSS leads to widespread demotion among nurses and job stress for them. The actual presence on duty is often lower than that necessary to guarantee adequate assistance to sick people. We express strong doubts about the current organizational vision of the Lagonegro OP, which should protect the well-being of workers and the safety of sick people.

The Lagonegro PO is a point of reference not only for the Lagonegro area, but also for nearby Calabria and Campania, appreciated for the professionalism present and the spirit of self-sacrifice of the employees.

Giuseppe Costanzo calls for immediate and decisive intervention to increase the number of nurses, OSS and technicians at the Lagonegro Hospital. It is essential that Management takes note of the seriousness of the situation and acts promptly to ensure the safety and well-being of both sick people and healthcare personnel.

In conclusion, the undersigned OS FIALS, through the voice of the Provincial Secretary Giuseppe Costanzo, calls for immediate action to resolve the critical issues exposed. The health and safety of the citizens and workers of the Lagonegro Hospital can no longer be neglected.

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