Italy 24 Press News

From Ragatzu to back wages: all the doubts about the future

A constantly evolving situation, with little news and often contradictory depending on the various “bells”. All with one certainty: the silence of the club. In home Olbia Football these are hot days for the future, both from a sporting and economic point of view. The repechage dream has increasingly become a chimera, after the latest rumors launched by the Serie B and C expert of the Gazzetta dello Sport Nicola Binda (HERE for further information). So the people of Gallura are preparing to start again from D Serieswith longer deadlines than the Lega Pro deadlines but still with more than one question mark on what will happen in the next few weeks.


In recent days, however, some rumors have emerged on several fronts according to which some senators from Olbia – Daniele RagatzuLuca The RoseMaarten Van der WantRobert WhiteChristian ArboledaGabriel Bellodi and Andrea Bianchimano, who arrived in Gallura last January – would have given their willingness to stay even in the case of Serie D after meeting the president Guido Surace. News also reported lastly in today’s issue, Monday 3 June 2024, from Nuova Sardegna and which – if confirmed, obviously – would significantly change the near future of the whites. We therefore tried to investigate this front, but only received denials. The first comes from the entourage of Ragatzuauthentic driving force for Olbia in recent years, top scorer in group B in the 2022-23 season, according to the lawyer Filippo Pirisi, representative of the Quartese attacker. “We read today’s article from La Nuova Sardegna in which it is written that Daniele met Surace to express his willingness to remain, even regardless of the category, and therefore also in Serie D. We deny this fact and we are surprised that a such an important and always attentive newspaper wrote it without checking with the interested party; she was probably misled by someone who has an interest in exploiting the press by leaking untrue news. Daniele has always said that he would gladly listen to any offers, once he understood the real project and the real reliability of the new corporate governance, with which, however, to date, there has never been any contact; contacts which, moreover, until pending issues are resolved, will not even be able to take place with the right serenity”. Not too much room for confirmation, in short, despite Ragatzu’s great love for the square, which would have pushed him to meet, together with La Rosa, Guido Surace but only to ask for guarantees on the payment of back wages. “Daniele is very fond of Olbia and his fans, and would like to end his career in the white jersey, but, at least to date, in the absence of contacts, proposals, conditions and guarantees, talking about permanence seems very premature to me. We are talking about the top scorer of the 22-23 season and a profile who, despite last year’s difficulties, has demonstrated his value, as demonstrated by the interest we are receiving, and the conversations we are having, with the top teams in Serie C and with some teams from cadetry”.

The others

We thus continued our search for information relating to the other players who, according to various recent press articles, would have met the Swiss owners of Olbia expressing their willingness to embrace the project also in Serie D. As mentioned among the various names, besides Ragatzu, those of La Rosa, Van Der Want, Arboleda, Biancu, Bianchimano and Bellodi. Without the first two, Olbia by birth (the first) and by adoption (the second) and therefore possibly available to remain in the white jersey regardless of the category, according to what our editorial staff ascertained, there would have been no no meeting among other players and Guido Surace and, consequently, no willingness to stay in Olbia in the fourth series. Edward Oggianu, agent of Arboleda and Biancu among others, confirmed to us the existence of various paths in Serie C for his clients, who will be released from 30 June: only in the event of a repechage – a hypothesis which is far from probable at the moment – the two players could remain in the white shirt, otherwise they will change destination. The same goes for Bellodi and Bianchimano: both had a great time in Olbia, but there is no a priori availability: as in previous cases, only if the Gallura club were to be brought back to Serie C could a possible stay be negotiated, but not in Serie D.

The club

In via Georgia, meanwhile, given the situation relating to the possible repechage in Serie C, Surace and his associates are in no hurry to plan the new post-relegation season. All the key figures to restart are still missing: trainerpossible sports director and especially, rose of players. Tasks delegated, according to Swiss Pro, to the duo formed by Nicola Bignotti and Ninni Rope but still at the moment everything is silent. Tomorrow, Tuesday 4 Juneit’s deadline day at the federal level: the last one useful term for paying salaries and contributions of sports employees: registered players, staff and managers. A problem which, however, does not concern Olbia which, having been relegated – and therefore not having to register in the Lega Pro but in the Lega Nazionale Dilettanti – is not required to respect it. The situation is different for i non-sports employeeswho are waiting for the balance of the back wages (from several months, as filtered from circles close to the club) as promised in recent weeks by the company chaired by Guido Surace. A date marked on the calendar with the classic red circle and awaited by all employees, which could open new developments on the economic front of Olbia, especially in the event of non-payment of dues.

Francesco Aresu

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