Italy 24 Press News

Great performance by the Rainbow Team in the 71st Raid Pavia – Venice

The pilots of the Casalese team Oleg Bocca and Guglielmo Martinelli finish the cult event of world powerboating with great courage with a 20th and a 37th place

Oleg Bocca’s absolute debut in the 71st Pavia – Venice raid on Sunday 2 June, a cult event in the Italian and world powerboat scene with, among other things, a long tradition of Monferrato pilots, returned a performance made of courage and great resourcefulness, two characteristics that distinguish the young driver of the Rainbow Team, the historic Casale Monferrato team.

Together with his partner Leopoldo Assi of Scuderia Tullio Abbate, the driver born in 2003 reached the final destination which, however, due to the flooding of the Adige river, was not Venice but Porto Viro. Of the 102 boats that left from the capital of Lomellina, only 69 reached their destination: in the final ranking Bocca achieved an important 37th place, while Guglielmo Martinelli, another Rainbow Team pilot in the race and thanks to last year’s experience, achieved a brilliant 20th position alongside Andrea Gelmetti.

Prestigious results beyond the ranking, as the team principal and team manager of the Rainbow Team Fabrizio Bocca and Elisa Manzetta Bocca explain: «We are talking about a great result: having completed the raid with two drivers from the team. It is now a unique race in the world due to its characteristics, where the unexpected is always around the corner. The vessel in fact suffered several damages involving the propellers and engine transmission due to the conditions of the river. Pavia – Venice is a stage that cannot be missed in a driver’s CV, which is why we were already happy to participate but even more so the performances of the two boys convince us even more of the quality of the work we are doing.”

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