Italy 24 Press News

FP Cgil, the Municipality of Benevento condemned for anti-union activity

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“The Labor Judge condemns the Municipality of Benevento following the appeal brought by the company for anti-union conduct FP CGIL of Benevento through the lawyer Pasquale Biondi. A fifteen-page sentence that explains, point by point, what are the ordinary procedures for the correct maintenance of trade union relations, procedures that FP CGIL has always known as it bases its activity of protecting workers’ rights on them and female workers. In this case the procedures, i.e. those of preventive information, consultation, sharing and approval, were completely disregarded by the organization despite the repeated and numerous reminders that this trade union acronym sent to the management, adhering to the practice established by the laws and regulations which, not surprisingly, were established precisely to guarantee the transparency and participation which, in a state of law like the Italian one can still be identified, act as a barrier to all those attitudes detrimental to the dignity of those who work, often victims of interference , of subtle exclusions, or just authoritarian but not authoritative methods, which have nothing to do with the basic concept of democracy. In short, the ABC, which we knew had been betrayed by the conduct of an administration that has clearly shown disinterest not so much or not only in the role of the union, but in the law itself which is, par excellence, above the parties. We have thus obtained the annulment of all those illegitimate acts towards which we have always motivatedly expressed our opposition both in terms of method and substance, and therefore the acts relating to the bodycam (camera wearable by municipal police service personnel), the modifications to the macrostructure of the body, the unilateral distribution of part of the fund intended for decentralized resources, the joint body for innovation, were all deemed illegitimate since they were adopted in contempt of all the rules governing administrative activity, while for CGIL’s explicit intention was not to request the cancellation of the PIAO (three-year plan of personnel requirements) only to avoid responsibly preventing the new hires that the Municipality needs with a certain urgency. Added to all this is an evident damage to the image of the Union since the sentence also confirms the clear discriminatory attitude perpetrated against FP Cgil while another more accredited union organization was accepted (with its own requests) with all the necessary respects by the rooms of the public institution. Fifteen pages that summarize a persistent anti-union conduct, but many more pages would be necessary to explain the satisfaction that captures the workers of the Municipality, for too long trapped in a violent censorial grip of which, frankly, we have always had willingly done without”, so in a note there FP Cgil Benevento.

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