Italy 24 Press News

Lucchese boxing, silver medal for Miria Rossetti Busa at the elite championships

It was a bitter return for the Lucca boxing from the Italian elite championships held last week in Roccaforte di Mondovì, despite the silver medal won by Miria Rossetti Busa.

In fact, he did not find luck in the top national competition Achraf Lekhal (elite 67kg), who faced Davide Fiore (Boxe Fiore) in the quarterfinals. The two boxers, similar in fighting style, in fact played an exciting and balanced match, in which Fiore, however, often managed to have the last word in the exchanges of blows. The verdict therefore decreed defeat for the boxer from Lucca, who despite the qualities already demonstrated, still needs to make the definitive leap in quality, in more mental than technical or athletic terms, in order to triumph in the most prestigious rings.


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The first one was good though Miria Rossetti Busa (elite 44kg), who directly faced Marta Roveda (Dnr Boxing School) in the semi-final. In fact, the Lucca native prevailed over her never-subdued opponent right from the start of the match, thus indisputably winning the first challenge of the championships. However, she didn’t go so well in the final against Erika Prisciandaro (Gruppo Sportivo Fiamme Oro), already European champion. Unlike the final held last autumn at the Italian under 22 championships, Rossetti Busa came prepared, knowing her opponent’s evasiveness and obstructionist techniques, and the results were clearly visible.

Rossetti Busa was in fact good at constantly pressing her elusive opponent, scoring on several occasions with her powerful combinations, while Prisciandaro preferred to continue to focus on rapid exit blows and the clinch to stop the Lucchese’s attacks. Despite a commendable performance, the local champion was declared defeated. A verdict that left the masters Giulio Monselesan and Ivo Fancelli dumbfounded, present on the corner of Rossetti Busa. An opinion also shared by numerous experts: in fact, there was no shortage of technicians and teachers not involved in the challenge who expressed their closeness to the Lucca team for this verdict considered by some to be most unfair.

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