Italy 24 Press News

Terni, “Spada” investigation: Corsi responds to Liguori

“I have carefully listened and equally read in the media the words and phrases uttered by the Public Prosecutor Alberto Liguori with the subject of the well-known “Spada” investigation.

As the prosecutor and the citizens well know, even during the process of the same, while in absolute and dutiful respect for the action of the prosecuting judiciary, I have never shied away from public declarations and necessary social and communicative initiatives aimed at mitigating the effects of the influential as well as objective media coverage of such a sensational investigation in our beloved city. For this reason I feel even more the moral duty, since in our constitution art. 21 is indisputable by anyone, to write that when the prosecutor, arguing on the “Spada” investigation states on “how a contract can be extended for 20 years” that this does not concern this investigation or other procedures referring to cooperatives since as per the prosecution’s complaint, the longest extension period of 5 years and 3 months concerned the cemetery greenery service entrusted to the Ultraservizi cooperative which does not refer to either Legacoop and Confcooperative of which I am, now elderly, manager.

The second statement, still referring to the investigation, deserves clarification where he declares that “Spada was born before I took office” and is certainly truthful in the formal aspects, i.e. the manager in charge of the Police Headquarters sends the communication of crime news to the prosecutor’s office on 24/ 3/2016 while the prosecutor officially takes office and swears in early April despite having been in Terni since February.

But the consideration on which I intend to underline and civilly criticize even more is where Liguori states that the investigation focused on the “phenomenon of curvature of deviation in the management of public affairs” and the theme of the same “was not sanctioning but proactive, how to train the administrative managers of a local authority”. Now if this was the aim, a private or public conference, a short and compulsory training internship was enough and instead they went to trial, to merely remember 1 Mayor (arrested), 15 councilors, 3 managers, 1 entrepreneur, the undersigned and others acquitted at the preliminary stage: ALL ACQUITTED BECAUSE THE FACT DOES NOT EXIST, verum ipsum factum, and the prosecutor’s office did not exercise its right to appeal.

Everyone remembers the spectacular nature of the procedures, hundreds of law enforcement personnel mobilized, the helicopter circling over the city, the boxes of papers seized and most of the resolutions published, only amphibious vehicles were missing on the Nera. You see, Dr. Liguori, improving or expelling the managers of local authorities or other institutions is up to the voters, not to the prosecutor’s offices. For this reason, as former president of the Terni committee for referendums on justice, I hope for a public initiative with the then president and today with great personal satisfaction and hope Minister Nordio because the justice reform, the separation of careers, the reform of the CSM with the return of the currents, of which you were a significant protagonist, to their cultural and educational context, is up to parliament but all this must involve citizens so that they can have full confidence in justice.

This note, believe me and excuse the direct interlocution but we are both citizens subject to the same laws and the same duties, does not arise from specious punctuating request but from my education, in the Rome of the 70s with the guidance of Constituents such as Vittorio Foa and Lelio Basso and then in the PCI where they taught me that rights are not asked for with a bow and hat in hand but with a head held high, with respect and without fear. I truly hope you continue your career well in the places you deserve and that the CSM will grant you.”

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