Italy 24 Press News

Cremona Sera – Cremona: national hub of new technologies for the production of clean energy

On Monday 3 June at 5pm, the meeting promoted by Forza Italia of Cremona on the topic, Cremona: hub of new technologies for the production and distribution of clean energy, was held at the centre-right electoral committee in Piazza Roma 6.

He introduced and moderated the proceedings Carlo MalvezziGroup leader of Forza Italia in the Cremona City Council.

“Cremona has the sad distinction of being one of the cities with the highest pollution rate in Europe. We know that the issue of energy production and distribution is central to air quality and we know that this issue has often been addressed in a superficial and ideological way. Forza Italia has always been in favor of a realistic energy transition that does not penalize our citizens and our businesses. We cannot hide the fact that while Europe has set itself very ambitious objectives regarding the reduction of emissions, there are entire continents that base their production capacity on technologies that we intend to eliminate. As regards our territory, we would like to remind you that in 2021 the current municipal administration signed a Memorandum called Cremona 20-30 with A2A, which envisaged the creation of 150 million in investments divided into 15 projects. After 3 years, the only project filed by A2A is the one relating to the biomethane plant in Via Bosco, which would be built a few hundred meters from an inhabited area, in a context without adequate infrastructure, but above all far from companies agricultural.

The Honorable then intervened Luca Squerimember of the Productive Activities Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and National Energy Manager of Forza Italia.

“Currently 80% of energy is produced from fossil sources and only 20% from renewable sources. We must not have an ideological approach towards the energy transition. It is necessary to look at the energy production cycle. There are some cars with engines powered by biofuels which, considering their entire life cycle, pollute less than a car with an electric motor. So, to use a metaphor, the energy transition must be like an Olympic march: a fast competitive race, but always keeping one foot on the ground”.

Then the Honorable Squeri then touched on the topic of fourth generation nuclear energy, confirming that at a European level environmental fundamentalism is giving way to a pragmatic and concrete vision. Third generation nuclear power has solved the problems and critical issues in terms of safety, while fourth generation nuclear power is focusing on greater dimensional flexibility and simplicity of management.

Alessandro Portesanicandidate for Mayor of the centre-right coalition, then illustrated the coalition’s objectives.

We would like our territory to become a real hub of new technologies for the production and distribution of clean energy. An ambitious project that we intend to bring to the attention of the Lombardy Region, the Italian Government and national operators, with whom we intend to discuss real projects, starting from the production and distribution of hydrogen. In this sense we look with interest to the Mantua hydrogen valley project which involves investments of 60 million euros, and to that of the so-called southern hydrogen corridor (SouthH2 Corridor) to bring hydrogen from North Africa to Europe, connecting Tunisia to Sicily.

We have important industrial groups that are part of the “hard to abate” industry referring to CO2, the presence of gas infrastructures (Crema dispatching, Bordolano gas storage site, storage center in Cortemaggiore), the possibility of using the Snam infrastructure network gas network. Elements that make our territory one of the most suited to facing the near future with an innovative and pragmatic approach.

The indispensable scientific support is not lacking either: in Cremona we have the headquarters of the Polytechnic of Milan, at the forefront of research and knowledge in the world, the Cattolica of Milan with the prestigious Faculty of Agriculture which has also been dealing with bioenergy for some time, and a Technology that needs to be relaunched.

The elements to be able to pursue this ambitious objective are all there, including the desire to give impetus to a process of change of perspective for the relaunch of the entire territory. We need a new administration to make this change possible.”

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