Italy 24 Press News

the proceedings for the former manager Alessandro Marini have been closed

The Judge for Preliminary Investigations of Ancona, at the request of the Public Prosecutor, ordered the dismissal of the criminal proceedings which involved, among others, Dr. Alessandro Marini, General Director of Asur Marche until 2019.

The investigations, which began in 2018, concerned the management of some public contracts in healthcare. In particular, the Guardia di Finanza had launched a major investigation into alleged rigged tenders and various officials and entrepreneurs had ended up in the sights of the Prosecutor’s Office accused, in various capacities, of crimes ranging from abuse of office to the disturbed freedom of auctions, to involvement in corruption and trafficking in illicit influence. Now, after six years, the judge has put an end to the matter by recognizing the non-involvement, with respect to the alleged crimes, of Marini, now director of the health district.

“After six years it was finally possible to ascertain the total extraneousness of the top manager and the other suspects with respect to the hypothesized facts – explains the lawyer Roberto Marini – They have been six long and difficult years and the impact has been devastating. The first investigative documents, made known to the media, convinced the then Regional Government not to renew the position of Dr. Alessandro Marini. The curtain now finally falls on the story. It’s a shame it took so long, too long.”

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