Italy 24 Press News

“With Daniele Rossi 15 years of nothing”

Seggiano (Grosseto). “Daniele Rossi accuses Gilberto Alviani on social media of avoiding the confrontation, having not participated in the recent meeting organized by Cna and Confindustria”.

This was declared in a statement by the “Together to change” list, which supports the candidacy of Gilberto Alviani for mayor of Seggiano.

“Alviani did not participate due to a family commitment that he could not miss – continues the note -. But we ask ourselves why, and with what courage, the current mayor continues to demand a comparison. In 15 years of government, it is clear to everyone what he has done, or rather, what he has not done. There is no point in looking for words to attack Alviani, perhaps it is better if he uses his time to explain to the citizens the reasons for his inaction. However, Alviani reiterates that he is at the complete disposal of the two associations and others who are interested in discussing programs and the future. But he believes it is essential to point out that the current mayor’s accusations are instrumental, and even laughable, since he did miss important meetings, fundamental meetings for Seggiano, meetings in which essential decisions were made for the citizens, therefore feel from which pulpit the sermon comes”.

We want to go into detail, just to be clear – goes on the statement -?

Southern Tuscany Ato Waste Assemblies:

meeting of 19 February 2024 – They sit absent,

meeting of 30 November 2023 (where the budget was discussed) – Seggiano absent,

meeting of 29 September 2023 – Seggiano absent,

meeting of 10 May 2023 – Seggiano absent”.

As regards Coeso (social welfare services) – continues the note -:

meeting of 21 December 2022 – Seggiano absent,

meeting of 27 February 2023 – Seggiano absent,

assembly 14 February 2024 – Seggiano absent”.

“As you can see, Seggiano was too often absent from key meetings regarding the quality and costs of waste collection and disposal services and for all topics concerning assistance and support for citizens, especially vulnerable ones. The results, as we well know, are clear to everyone, so much so that we have included these aspects among the primary elements of our electoral program, listening to our citizens and not to the directives of any party. As we often repeat, the administrative tiredness that Daniele Rossi has been demonstrating for too long now has exceeded all limits. After 15 years, the incentives are evidently no longer there, just as there is no longer the desire and enthusiasm to work for the good of the citizens. – ends the statement -. That Daniele Rossi stops doing everything to set childish traps for his opponent, that he stops attacking him a priori for what he is committing himself to do and that he has the dignity to explain to the citizens the reasons for 15 years of nothing cosmic. Seggiano can no longer afford this situation. We absolutely need to change.”

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