Italy 24 Press News

«Saviano? The Turin Book Fair rejected one of my presentations but I didn’t cry censorship”

«On Saviano and company, beyond the theme of friendship, censorship, right or left, I see above all advertising». Thus the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, at Quarta Repubblica, broadcast on 3 June on Retequattro. «I have written two books and a third I did an interview book. I wrote “I am Giorgia”. This is a book that sold a lot, it did very well, it seems to be one of the best-selling books or a book by a politician. When this book came out, my publishing house asked at the time for the possibility of me presenting it at the Turin Book Fair and they said no.”

«Now – he added – that there was this controversy, this story came back to my mind, which at the time I didn’t read as “Oh God, they’re censoring me”, and I went to look to see if the leaders’ books actually politicians have never been presented at the Turin Book Fair. And I find, Elly Schlein presented his book at the Turin Book Fair, Matteo Renzi he presented his book at the Turin Book Fair as Prime Minister. I was in the opposition. Laura Boldrini he presented his book at the Turin Book Fair. Mario Monti this year he presents his book at the Turin Book Fair”, he observed.

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