Italy 24 Press News

Elections, the national leader of the Democratic Center stops in Aversa

On Saturday 1 June, the political event “walk through the streets of the city of Aversa” took place in the heart of the city, organized by the provincial coordination of the Democratic Center for the presentation of the list and candidates for the administrative elections which will take place on 8 and 9 June . The political demonstration saw the participation of the party’s top officials as well as supporters and sympathizers from all over the country.

Present at the event were the president of CD the Honorable Bruno Tabacci, the National Secretary Margherita Rebuffoni, the coordinator Nicola Grimaldi, the deputy coordinator and national councilor of the party Giovanni Morfino and the mayoral candidate of the center-left coalition Mauro Baldascino. Furthermore, the provincial coordinator of Taranto, Alessandra Ermellino, the provincial coordinator of the metropolitan city of Naples Umberto Braschi and Giovanna Mazzone President of municipality 1 of Naples were also present.

Among the various interventions that followed, that of Tabacci who stated: “The first thing to do is to invite people to go to the vote, because with everything that is happening, we must not give up doing our duty to the end, it’s a blow that we deal to those who come after, it means that we don’t worry about our children or our grandchildren – he continues – it depends on each of us to be punctual, precise, polite, to feel like citizens, to have the ability to formulate proposals that go to the the bottom of the problem, it means being in line with our time which is a complex time full of elements of strong concern – and continues – if anyone thinks that politics there should be done to resolve personal issues it is better that they leave it alone, what a politician must do and take care of his community, and – he concludes – here in Aversa there is an administrative transition that has political importance, a centre-left coalition that must demonstrate that it is a country alternative, and to do this acronyms are not enough, if then in delicate passages there is a game of teasing, then if this coalition wants to be successful not only here but in the rest of the country, it must begin to turn the page and respond on the ground precisely on the things that count and on those that are needed.

Taking the floor in the next speech is the deputy coordinator Morfino who presents the political project of the CD list where he states: “Today with great enthusiasm and pride we present to you together with the coordinator Grimaldi our “Democratic Center” list. We are here to share with you our vision, our projects and, above all, our commitment to the future of this community. The Democratic Center list is made up of a group of extraordinary people, united by the desire to work for the common good of everyone of them brings different and unique skills, but we are all united by the same determination to make a contribution to improving the city of Aversa – he continues – We are aware that change does not happen overnight, but we are determined to work consistently and dedication. Our commitment is to always be present and available, listen to your citizens’ needs and respond with concrete actions, and – he concludes – People, if they see that they cannot count, stop voting. We must ensure that they count again not only on election day. And this must be our line, we must bring politics back to the people. The closing of the interventions is done by the provincial coordinator the Hon. Nicola Grimaldi, who in addition to thanking the political authorities for having intervened and the citizens of Aversa for being present at this moment of direct confrontation – continues – the Democratic Center list will make an important contribution to the centre-left breakfast”.

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