Italy 24 Press News

Emotion from Santa Margherita in Padua for the death of little Riccardo from a tumor

It was the president of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, who told the story of Riccardo Barbera, eight years old, his parents originally from Santa Margherita Belice, who died last Friday in Padua hospital from cancer with a post on Facebook while some newspapers regional authorities took care of the child and reported his death.

“Four years ago – wrote the governor – in autumn 2020, Riccardo Barbera was diagnosed with a neuroblastoma starting from an adrenal gland. Despite the chemo, the operations, the long hospital stay in Padua, he never stopped smiling at life. He left on Friday after waiting – as he had promised – for his father’s birthday and his older sister’s confirmation, telling his mother: “Don’t worry, I’m going to Heaven now and then I’ll ask the Madonna to return”.

A very sad story that moved the Veneto. Riccardo, son of Ezio and Margherita Barbera of Santa Margherita, was in hospital and under the care of the pediatric hospice of Padua. The child faced the last part of his life with courage and determination and also with a certain awareness of the disease and despite everything he never lost his smile.

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