Italy 24 Press News

Make Italy beautiful, the events in Calabria for the national Fai Cisl day for the care of the environment

June 5, 2024 is World Environment Day. For the occasion, Fai Cisl, through the ecological campaign “Make Italy Beautiful”, now in its sixth edition, promotes cleaning and redevelopment activities of green areas and common goods. throughout the national territory

Press release

Initiatives which, as usual, will also take place in the Calabrian area.

In fact, on 5 June, three initiatives are scheduled in Calabria, organized by the territorial FAI CISL in synergy with the FAI CISL Calabria and in collaboration with municipal bodies, environmental and cultural associations, and local businesses.

«This year too – declared Michele Sapia, General Secretary of Fai Cisl Calabria in a note – the idea of ​​the Regional Secretariat was to organize more initiatives, to further enhance the various environmental, agricultural and agri-food peculiarities of the Calabrian territory. With these initiatives we want to highlight that in a green region like Calabria, respect and care for the environment represent both a duty to combat pollution, wild overbuilding and fight against hydrogeological instability, but above all an opportunity, as it is precisely our heritage environmental the true wealth of this region. Opportunities called: mountains, woods, biodiversity, excellent agri-food products and maritime environment.

Environmental well-being, which translates in particular into occupational and social well-being, air quality and correct management of water resources, protection of mountain communities and seaside villages, care of forests, seabeds and their respective ecosystems and a Mediterranean diet.

But it is fundamental to understand how essential the value of human protection is, the work of forestry and land reclamation workers, of agricultural, livestock and fishing workers, as well as the presence of man on the territory, because only by putting a stop to depopulation will it be possible counteract hydrogeological instability, especially in a morphologically fragile region like ours.”

From north to south, in Calabria the initiatives will take place in the following places:

  • Cleaning of the “Ventuliddra” area, Celico (Cs) and excursion to the Monte Scuro pass, San Pietro in Guarano (Cs);
  • Colamaio beach cleaning, Pizzo (Vv);
  • Cleaning of the church area of ​​Santi Pietro e Paolo, Pentedattilo, Melito di Porto Salvo (Rc).
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