Italy 24 Press News

Redevelopment works on Via and Piazza d’Annunzio

Extraordinary maintenance work has begun for the square and via d’Annunzio in the San Rocco district, with works that will range from the complete cleaning of public spaces to the addition of new greenery and the replacement of bollards and street furniture elements currently present.
The works, for a total value of just over 41,000, will start in the next few weeks and will last approximately nine weeks, after approval of the executive project.
They will be financed entirely by Coop Lombardia as part of an agreement signed with the Municipality.

The intervention
The works involve the repaving of the street with a burgundy red colour, in harmony with the tiles and blocks of the adjacent square and the creation of a rest area, with a place reserved for disabled people.

In addition to the complete cleaning of the public spaces, at the entrance to the Civic Center – for which the canopy will also be renewed – a flowerbed with shrubs will be created to beautify and enhance the area.
Two pedestrian gates and side fences will also be installed to ensure greater safety.

Furthermore, maintenance work will be carried out on the curbs and grids of the floor fountain and on the fountain.

The existing bollards will be repositioned to better delimit the perimeter of the square and Via D’Annunzio. To improve safety and ensure pedestrian traffic in the area, new bollards will be installed, one of which is retractable.

On via Aquileia a traffic island will be created to protect pedestrians and facilitate crossing the road, and finally two new trees will be provided and planted to enrich the urban greenery.

“With these works – observes theCouncilor for Territorial Government – a landmark for the neighborhood will be refurbished. The intervention is the result of listening to the requests of citizens who, with a petition, had asked for the maintenance and redevelopment of the square: until 2022, in fact, the previous Administration’s plan was to reopen it to car transit. It is, therefore, a long-awaited intervention in San Rocco which will allow the people of Monza to return a more welcoming, safer and greener street and square”.

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