Italy 24 Press News

The Calabrian trainees return to the streets: the sit-in in Cosenza on 7 June

The month of June could be the moment of the real turning point for the dispute of the Calabrian interns. The discussion on budget adjustment, which has not yet begun, but which will engage the Government and Parliament in the coming weeks, will have to provide for the procurement of approximately a further 60 million to be added to the five already allocated. Only in this way will it be possible to give substance to the rule passed in the Milleproroghe which provides for hiring exemptions that allow Municipalities, Provinces and Metropolitan Cities to absorb the 4,200 interns and put an end to a shame that has continued for over ten years. It will also be an opportunity to remedy discrimination against trainees who also work in other public and private bodies. A problem that impacts such a high number of workers and families deserves particular attention in the context of the Calabrian and national political debate. An attention which in February, thanks also to trade union action and a regional policy sensitive to the demands of the world of work, led to the result of that important recognition at national level of the role of interns and the consequent regulatory measures. An attention which, however, we are seeing waning and which must become high again. For this reason, as already anticipated last May 7th in Piazza Prefettura in Catanzaro, NidilCgil, Felsa-Cisl, UilTemp and Usb-FdS, together with the workers, will return to the streets, after having waited for a month for an explicit commitment, with a sit-in the 7 June in Cosenza in via Marconi, in front of the Rai headquarters, to turn the spotlight back on and to track down the necessary resources. For these unions, there are no more or less opportune moments, periods in which a vital issue such as work can or cannot be addressed. The trade union action we carry out is not aimed against anyone, against this or that party, against this or that politician. We are, if anything, always and only in favor of interns and we appreciate anyone who sides with us on this front. Those who, like us, are convinced that work, rights, the improvement of working conditions for thousands of Calabrians must always remain central. And to obtain real results, as has already been done, everyone needs to do their part, in a positive synthesis that will restore dignity to the many Calabrians.

This is what we read in a note from the regional secretariats of the unions Nidil Cgil, Felsa Cisl, Uil Temp and Usb Fds.

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