Italy 24 Press News

Matera, works in Piazza San Francesco completed by 2 July

MATERA – The mayor, Domenico Bennardi, is in constant dialogue with the municipal technicians to ensure compliance with deadlines in the execution of some particularly urgent public works; but the timing of construction sites is physiologically linked to unforeseen and unpredictable factors. Like bad weather, for example, which affects the progress of outdoor work. This is the case of Piazza San Francesco d’Assisi, where the redevelopment works have been entrusted to a very serious company, which is trying to meet the delivery times scheduled for the end of June. The construction site is progressing quickly, but has been affected by rain, especially the heavy rain on May 18th. In any case, the works continue and barring further weather unforeseen events, they will be concluded to guarantee the morning mass on July 2nd. In particular, last Friday the protective sheath was placed on 70% of the 850 square meters to be covered, i.e. up to the access staircase to the church. It is a latest generation product that can be walked on immediately, so work has already started today (Monday) to install the paving slabs, while the remaining 30% of the square will have to be insulated. If the weather is kind, the paving should be completed in about three weeks, after which the square will be reopened and usable with the final finishing touches. On this timeline, the mayor also had the opportunity to note the substantial optimism of the technical part. Another delicate construction site is that of the park in the “Serra Friday” district, for which the municipal offices are already working on launching a management tender, which will allow whoever wins it to also direct the work of setting up the bar in the preparation phase. This week the works for the Padel field will be assigned, which are expected to be completed within three months. With the hoped-for arrival of the manager, the start times for the valorization of that important green lung of the city will also be accelerated. «On our part there is the utmost commitment to supervising, encouraging and sometimes even sanctioning contractors who do not respect the work schedule – explains Bennardi – but sometimes there may be objective impediments, such as adverse weather conditions, which are not responsible but they cause inevitable delays and slippages. The municipal administration remains at the complete disposal of the press, associations and professional associations for any news with certain and reliable updates on construction sites open in the city”.

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