Italy 24 Press News

Doctor Tromba focuses on the education of children

“Understanding how urgent an emergency situation is is very important, especially if there are multiple injured people to help. The victim’s perceived pain cannot be relied on because it is not a reliable indicator of the level of emergency. Often then, in critical emergency situations the victims are not conscious and cannot give indications on their state”.

So the doctor Domenico Trombaadvisor to the professional association, national representative of the biomedicine course and responsible for school/university relations, opens this morning in the Auditorium, the BLS-D theoretical/practical training course organized by the Order of Surgeons and Dentists of Reggio Calabria, in which the 5th year students of the Biology with biomedical curvature course participated.

“Today, we want to teach children how to help people suffering from sudden cardiac arrest through cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and early defibrillation – continues the endocrinologist Tromba -. What is important to underline is that first aid should not be confused with first aid. The theoretical and practical training topics do not concern the actions within the competence of specialized medical personnel but those necessary to recognize an emergency, alert the emergency system and use the defibrillator”.

Dr. Tromba also emphasizes the importance of “refresher course for first aid workers which represents a crucial revision of basic training, aimed at providing the essential skills to respond promptly to emergency situations and save human lives”.

On the same wavelength the doctor Giovanni Calogero who, in underlining the close collaboration between the Medical Association and the provincial health authority, adds: “Many young people have been trained in recent years and the aim is to give them the basic elements to recognize a cardiac arrest and know how to correctly activate the chain of survival by calling for help, knowing how to practice the manoeuvres, requesting the user of a defibrillator. All this, if done correctly, allows the subject to have a better chance of being saved.”

In conclusion, for the professor Giuseppe Chindemi of the “Leonardo da Vinci” scientific high school, today’s one is “an important and absolutely educational experience for the kids who learned how fundamental first aid is to save a person’s life”.

Doctor Tromba: “the next step is the birth of the biomedical high school”

Doctor Calogero highlights the synergy between the Medical Association and the provincial health authority

Professor Chindemi: “First aid is essential to save a person’s life”

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