Italy 24 Press News

Como, the case of foster families breaks out. Lissi (Pd): “Roperto respond”. Cantaluppi (FdI): “Administration overbearing towards citizens”

Yesterday, May 29, we were talking about the fifteen Como foster families who signed an open letter addressed to the mayor of Como, Alessandro Rapinese – with whom, however, relations so far have not been idyllic (“We write after having requested two access to the documents, one of which was not successful, and two appointment requests that were not responded to”). The families ask for certainties and explanations after learning that the administration has not renewed the assignment to the Superdistrict Foster Care Service. Here is the article: Affidi, the letter to the mayor of Como from 15 families: “Lack of responses and service not renewed. We ask for clarity.”

The first political intervention was that of the Dem group leader, Patrizia Lissi:

The Municipality of Como has published a public notice of expression of interest aimed at identifying a partner for the co-planning and management of interventions to support minors and their families, subjected to measures by the judicial authority. An act that leaves a cloud of uncertainty and perplexity among parents and citizens, since, as always, communication from the Administration is absent or at least deficient.

First of all, one wonders what a public notice of this type means. Is this a confirmation of the Municipality of Como’s desire to leave the Como and Como social company? Furthermore, we are obviously concerned about the implications that change may have. The issue of foster care is extremely delicate, as it is a tool for the protection and support of minors who experience a condition of fragility and need their interests to always be protected in the best possible way, so that there are no repercussions on their future. Just as the foster care service has the task of protecting the families foster carerswhich are a very important resource and which can withstand the difficulties of the commitment required only if they can count on a staff present and involved in their needs.

Furthermore, does a decision of this type really lead to savings, or is it merely a precise political choice? We therefore ask the Municipality, and in particular the councilor Nicoletta Roperto, to give answers to parents and all citizens, adequately informing them of the changes taking place and of the Administration’s intentions. We will ask for the convening of a council commission.

Then still on the subject, with an abundance of documents that you find at the bottom, the group leader of the Brothers of Italy spoke in the city council of Como, Lorenzo Cantaluppi. Explain in a Note:

– City Council Resolution no. 243 of 5-7-2023;
-Sector 6 Determination n. 449 (RG 3333) of 12/19/2023;
– City Council Resolution no. 486 of 20-12-2023 in which it was acknowledged that “the economic, patrimonial and financial analysis regarding the Azienda Sociale Comasca e Lariana owned by the Municipality of Como, requested by the Municipal Council with Resolution no. 243 of 5-7-2023 has been entrusted to an expert in the sector who believes he will complete this verification by April 2024”;

On May 2, 2024 I presented a question to Mayor Rapinese in which I asked

-what is the outcome of the economic, patrimonial and financial checks of the Comasca and Lariana Social Company;
-what are the assessments of the Municipality of Como and the consequent actions it intends to undertake.

I have not received a reply.

On the other hand, a “Public Notice of Expression of Interest” was published on the Notice Board on 5/27/2024, which raised many concerns in foster families with minors in their care in the Municipality of Como. The way this Administration operates has been disrespectful towards these families. Why not make the results of the checks public? Why not inform in advance about the actions that the Municipality intends to undertake following the result of these checks? Why always face decisions made without any discussion with the subjects involved? Once again this Administration shows itself to be overbearing towards citizens.


2023-12-20 Council Resolution 486 2023-12-19 Resolution RG 3333 2023-7-5 Council Resolution 243 Cantaluppi Lorenzo_2-5-2024-signed

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