Italy 24 Press News

The selections for Marche and Abruzzo for Miss Italia 2024 will start from Spinetoli – picenotime

They will leave on June 28th from Piazza Roma di Spinetoli the selections for Marche and Abruzzo by Miss Italy 2024, also managed this year by the Pai agency of San Benedetto. The beauty caravan will touch (from July onwards) various locations in the Marche region such as Force, Rotella, Roccafluvione, Valmir di Petritoli, Montegranaro and Senigallia, while the Chieti stage is already certain in Abruzzo. At this moment, many municipal administrations are dealing with elections and therefore cannot make arrangements to host the selections of the longest-running beauty contest in Italy (this will be its eighty-fifth year of existence), but we can swear that as soon as the new mayors and their councils take office, many will contact the San Benedetto agency. «However, we are available – they specify from the Pai agency – for all those public places, such as bathing establishments, restaurants, clubs, Pro Loco or meetings of various kinds, who would like information on how to host a selection evening or a final of the bracket”. This year the competition formula is slightly modified by Patrizia Mirigliani’s Miren, the Miss Italia organizing company, and therefore one of the three outings that the girls make during the selections (the one in costume) will be replaced by another with designer sportswear Givova, while there will be moments for performances and interviews with the girls, who will thus be able to bring out the most interesting sides of their character and personality. Girls who want to register (free of charge) for the competition must visit the website, while those who want to receive information on how to host a selection or a final will have to contact the number 3534109456 or send an email to the email address: [email protected].

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