Italy 24 Press News

Agriculture, Gagliasso: “We work to provide answers to a fundamental sector for Cuneo and Piedmont”

In these five years we have tried to give answers to a world that is not only important for Cuneo and Piedmont, but much more. Suffice it to say that agri-food represents more than 50% of the GDP for the province of Cuneo”. Talking is Matteo Gagliassoregional councilor of the League, re-nominated in the next elections, always in support of president Alberto Cirio.

A world, that of agriculture and livestock, to which the regional councilor of Savigliano has always paid particular attention: in recent months he has been among the representatives of the institutions who have sided with the “tractor movement”, which has brought its demands to the streets and squares of many centers in Granda

Gagliasso explains: “This is a world that has been facing serious difficulties in recent years. Collaborating with the Government and with our provincial secretary Giorgio Bergesio, we have been working for five years to support those who protect and enhance the products of our territory. Those who work in this sector must deal not only with foreign competition, but also with the contribution disparities that exist from region to region. There is therefore also internal competition”.

Among the most recent problems is that of African swine fever: “Together with Commissioner Caputo we are trying to deal with the emergency, with the priority of preserving the many existing farms in our territory”.

The Northern League councilor continues: “The commitment for the next few years is to continue valorising products and supply chains, also creating new ones: the fruit district of Saluzzo, Savigliano and the plains can be a great driving force if exploited well. We must enhance what works and continue to grow the rest. We know that existing tenders are not sufficient to support all companies, we will work to ensure that everyone can make the investments necessary to remain competitive”.

The central theme for those who work in the agricultural sector is undoubtedly that of climate change, which sees companies in the sector being more exposed than others. Since 2019 Gagliasso has been vice president of the Region’s Environment Commission: “There are factors that we cannot influence, we clearly don’t decide the weather, but there are also some initiatives that in my opinion don’t help. We tend to consider agricultural companies as the biggest polluters, but this is not the case: some rules in the air quality plan damage companies without having a real positive impact on the environment. In recent years, companies have worked hard to reduce pollution, the data says so, but efforts cannot be asked of them alone: ​​then there is unfair competition from foreign companies that do not have to comply with the same regulations and they import lower quality products. Environmental protection is important, but it cannot only burden companies”.

Among the priorities, in terms of adaptation to climate change, in closing, the issue of invasions: “Serra degli Ulivi is a start, but we will also need to work on the riverbeds to create other small reservoirs to retain rainwater”, closes Gagliasso.

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