Italy 24 Press News

In Chieti, 161 landslides were catalogued, covering 17% of the city territory – Piazza Rossetti

Participated event, the one organized by the Young Democrats of Chieti on the theme of hydrogeological instability, one of the most serious environmental emergencies of the country and the city.

Mayor Diego Ferrara, councilor Stefano Rispoli and professor Nicola Sciarra spoke at length on the issue, also responding to the numerous questions received from the large audience.

Hydrogeological instability in Italy is a far-reaching problem. According to data from the Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (Ispra), over 91% of Italian municipalities are at hydrogeological risk. This means that more than 7,500 municipalities are exposed to landslides and floods.

In particular, the city of Chieti, according to ISPRA data, has 17% of its territory, where 14% of its inhabitants live, affected by a high or very high landslide risk. Again according to ISPRA, the Chieti area is affected by 161 landslides.

“Dealing with hydrogeological instability – say the Young Democrats – requires an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, in which engineers, surveyors, architects, geologists and local administrations must combine their efforts to minimize the risk for the population. A joint commitment is necessary by institutions, local communities and each of us to protect our territory and guarantee a safe and sustainable future. Only through concrete and far-sighted actions will we be able to preserve our natural heritage and safeguard human lives”.

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