Italy 24 Press News

Cosenza, the Episcopal Conference against Premiership and Autonomy

“One institutional disgrace after another, unprecedented lapses in style that make Italians ashamed before Europe and the world”. As Franz Carusomayor of Cosenza regarding the planned attack and, precisely for this reason, to be stigmatized with greater force, to Italian Episcopal Conference by the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni.

“President Meloni, in an electoral version in the search for votes for the next European elections – continues Franz Caruso – is giving the worst of himself, like his vice president and minister, Matteo Salvini, who in Calabria in recent days for his propaganda tour, also took the luxury of offending the Calabrian bishops “guilty” of having expressed an opinion negative to the unfortunate Reform of Differentiated Autonomy which will split the country by clipping its wings of development. But the center-right government is not interested in this.”

“The priority of Meloni, Salvini and Tajani is only the respect of the electoral agreement which gives the League differentiated autonomy, the premiership to Fratelli D’Italia and the Justice reform to Forza Italia, to the detriment of the Italians and their needs and their needs. To this end they have and have no scruples and go straight ahead, with arrogance and arrogance, against those who place obstacles in their path aimed at carrying out an obscurantist, fundamentalist, anti-constitutional and, therefore, illiberal and anti-democratic action”.

“This is the salt of the Premiership that Giorgia Meloni wants to try to become, she thinks, the undisputed and undisputed leader of Italy. This is why, in addition to expressing closeness and solidarity to the Calabrian and Italian bishops, I thank the CEI which, through the interventions and reflections disclosed in recent times, stands in defense of national unity, democracy and freedom. I am with them, next to them, together with all the healthy forces of the country for a common battle aimed at stemming a dangerous and unacceptable return to the past”.

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