Italy 24 Press News

“The municipality has asked Promotuscia to leave the management of the tourist office to the Spazio Pensilina”

Economy – Viterbo – Ivana Pagliara and Maria Luigina Paoli, who have been working to promote the area with their tourist services company since 1994, bitterly recount the decision taken by the Frontini administration

Viterbo – ( – “The municipality has asked PromoTuscia to leave the management of the Viterbo tourist office to the Spazio Pensilina”. Ivana Pagliara and Maria Luigina Paoli, who have been working to promote the area with their tourist services company since 1994, bitterly describe the decision taken by the municipal administration led by Chiara Frontini.

Maria Luigina Paoli and Ivana Pagliara

Promotuscia began managing the Viterbo tourist office at the Spazio Pensilina under the Michelini administration. “Over the years there have been many initiatives to promote the local landscape and historical riches. For us the Spazio Pensilina has always been a place where the city meets the territory and where tourists meet the community”, explains Ivana Pagliara.

He adds: “A meeting place in which we have believed from the beginning and in which we believe even more today because its vitality can certainly be a deterrent towards forms of degradation to which part of the center of Viterbo is unfortunately subject. Unfortunately, however, the municipality seems to have made a clear decision. What is particularly disappointing, however, is the lack of listening on the part of the administration. Then there is also bitterness because I believe that PromoTuscia has demonstrated with facts over the years the objective ability to know how to enhance and promote the territory. We live by promotion and we have been working on this for 30 years.”

The hypothesis circulating in Palazzo dei Priori is that the management of the Spazio Pensilina will be entrusted for a period to a Tuscan company and then to the Francigena company. But for now it is only a hypothesis that is told by those involved in tourism.

“We knew we were on deadline with the management assignment – ​​explains Maria Luigina Paoli -. But we thought there could be a call to see if there could be a chance to win and move forward in the name of continuity. Also because in recent years we have done a lot and with important results. We are a consolidated reality with 30 years of experience. We also have a DMO, La Francigena and the streets of taste in Tuscia, which enhances the territory. So perhaps continuity and management security would have been a guarantee for the city to continue a proper welcome. Instead it would seem that the tender will not take place, but a new management will be appointed.”

“There is therefore a lot of regret – adds Maria Luigina Paoli -. We have dedicated a lifetime to Viterbo, to incoming, to Tuscia, to staff training. Fortunately, ours is a company that has many facets and we are still ready to reinvent ourselves at any time. But clearly there is some regret.”

“The bitterness is that, beyond time and experience, we have given a form to tourist information – clarifies Ivana Pagliara -. An approach that is innovative and with a high quality of service also because we always try to renew ourselves and keep up to date, also looking at the promotion of other cities. We offer many services such as retrieving information that we release through newsletters, event planning, guided tours. We now find ourselves managing territorial marketing outside Lazio, in many cities and villages in the Viterbo area, but not in Viterbo.

“Inevitably, with the PromoTuscia website and as a tour operator, we will continue to take care of the destination of Tuscia and Viterbo. But we will not manage the Spazio Pensilina – concludes Ivana Pagliara -. Having enlightened administrations at your side makes things go faster. And let’s say that this city needs to be valorised and above all to have a clear objective ahead. While what I see is a lack of communication. There would be a need for more systematic, long-term promotion of the area. Viterbo is a capital and must have its role. There is a lot of regret. Regret for this city, which deserves a lot.”

June 3, 2024

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