Italy 24 Press News

Competition at the Municipality of Messina, all selections finished: the last employees hired from July 1st

Eighteen months after the start of the procedures, the competition of the Municipality of Messina has come to an end. The 341 available positions have been (almost) all assigned and the last hires will be completed on July 1st.
A renovation that has “refreshed” Palazzo Zanca, with hundreds of young and very young people who could be the backbone of the Municipality for the next 30 years. The latest arrivals will also be the largest ones because they will be the 100 technical officials and 79 administrative officials, among the most awaited figures (not only numerically) to be able to follow up on the large amount of work necessary to make an institution like the municipality of Messina, the metropolitan capital, with the thousand deadlines for planning and instruction of the practices linked to extra-budgetary funds, which have become the real development asset of the city.
In recent days, the definitive ranking of administrative officials was published which should have been 79 but which in the end will be 71. This is because the selection was more severe than expected and a number of people did not pass the various barriers (pre-selection, written and oral). enough to complete all the available boxes. Furthermore, it must be said that some of the new administrative officials had also won the competition for administrative instructor and, therefore, will opt to move to the higher level. This will thin the ranks of instructors who were also fewer than the 50 places available.
Read the complete article in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Messina

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