Italy 24 Press News

Two historic retired employees, an external company in Nerviano supporting demographic services. And controversy erupts

Another clash in Nerviano between the majority and the League, the Nervianese Independent Group and Con Nerviano: this time the defendant ended up in the dockentrustment of demographic services support to an external company for one yearfor which Piazza Manzoni chose to invest just over 4 thousand euros «due to the upcoming retirement of two historical figures replaced by new hires – as stated in the relevant decision -, given the complexity of the matter, with the aim of providing immediate assistance in relation to the most complex practices and consolidating the procedures until complete mastery is achieved”.

Choice ended up in the sights of former mayor Massimo Cozzi, today group leader of Lega, GIN and Con Nerviano in the city council. «When two municipal employees, albeit historical figures as they are defined, retire and take on two other employees, there is the right and proper period of support to replace them worthily and profitably – underlines Cozzi -. Instead you choose to take, in addition, an external support service for one year with an external private company for an amount exceeding four thousand euros! So normal salaries will be paid, plus the additional amount for the external company. It had already happened with the Accounting Office, now it happens with the Registry Office! In the premise of the resolution it is said that “it is necessary to provide a support service for demographic services”: we say that this further expense could easily not have been necessary, which, naturally, the Nerviano people will pay».

Criticisms rejected entirely by the sender by the mayor Daniela Colombowhich speaks of “disarming simplification” and lack of knowledge “of the services offered to citizens, of the methods of managing current expenditure (personnel costs fall into this category) and of the public finance rules that all Municipalities must respect.

«Given the rule that annually establishes the spending limit for personnel, in order to guarantee the invariance of the figures allocated in the budget for the current year, It is not possible to hire two figures with the same tasks at the same time – is Columbus’ reply -. The demographic services of the Municipality represent one of the most delicate administrative structures of the institution: the complexity is given by the need to coordinate various activities while respecting constantly and rapidly evolving national and international regulations. Each operation must be carried out rigorously to guarantee the legal validity of the documents issued. The digitalisation of some services has introduced opportunities and new challenges; the transition towards e-government presupposes the adoption of advanced, secure and compliant IT systems with personal data protection regulations (GDPR) and this requires additional skills and in-depth knowledge of processes and systems. Forty-two years of professionalism cannot be replaced in a few months. Hence the decision to invest €4,026.00 in highly specialized external support which consists of assistance, lasting one year, for unlimited questions and in-depth information regarding Civil, Registry and Electoral Status in an ever-changing regulatory and technological context. evolution”.

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