Italy 24 Press News

Damage to candidate Lanciotti’s car – Teramo

GIULIANOVA. The car of the mayoral candidate of the civic center was vandalised Romolo Lanciotti, who branded the episode as “an act of intimidation”. The aspiring mayor himself announced the news yesterday morning, through a video published on social media; Lanciotti immediately reported the incident to the police and filed a complaint. Lanciotti said: «During the night the car I use for the electoral campaign was seriously vandalized; the car was parked in Via Marsala, near the “Il Gabbiano” restaurant”. The damage, reports the aspiring mayor, is notable: «The two mirrors were torn off and the bodywork was scratched on all sides, from the left door to the right, including the front and rear bonnet. I cannot yet financially quantify the damage suffered. Unfortunately, the area where the vandalism occurred is not covered by public security cameras.” However, Lanciotti also reported that the home video surveillance system installed in his home may have recorded something, and, if necessary, he will hand over the footage to the competent authorities. The aspiring mayor of the civic center interpreted the act as an attempt to intimidate him, stating: “This gesture will not stop my commitment to the community and my electoral campaign.”
The police are investigating the incident. Meanwhile, Lanciotti has received numerous messages of solidarity from citizens and political colleagues. The mayoral candidate of the left Daniele Di Massimantoniothrough a video on social media, expressed closeness to Lanciotti and spoke of “an intimidating electoral climate in the city: I myself had to respond to defamatory accusations against me, publishing my criminal record”. Alberta Ortolani, candidate for mayor of the centre-left, declared: «We deplore the petty act of intimidation: the unprecedented aggressive manner and tone reached during this electoral campaign is worrying. We call for respect.” Even the outgoing and re-nominated mayor Jwan Costantini intervened, expressing solidarity and adding: «This episode has nothing to do with the respect that must characterize the electoral campaign whose debate, although sometimes harsh, must be exclusively on the issues».

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