Italy 24 Press News

Republic Day in Brescia, 27 honors awarded | Gazzetta delle Valli

The mayor of Brescia was present, Laura Castelletti; the president of the Province, Emanuele Moraschini, numerous mayors, including those of Valle Camonica Ivan Faustinelli of Ponte di Legno e Dario Colossi of Darfo.

One of the most significant moments of the day was the delivery in the Vanvitelliano hall of Palazzo Loggia delle 27 honors to: Daris Baratti from Montichiari; Alessandro Bonomelli from Saviore dell’Adamello; Vittorio Braghini from Passirano; Antonella Brancati from Brescia; Annibale Bruni from Bovezzo; Arnaldo Caruso of Brescia; Giuseppe Castrovilli of Toscolano Maderno; Silvano Ciocchini from Ponte di Legno; Luigi Cominelli from Bagnolo Mella; Alberto Degli Effects (moved to Rome) Maria Cristina Lilia Fogazzi from Brescia; Vittorio Fragalà Brescia; Andrea Grisi Bovezzo; Giorgio Marchini Brescia, Massimiliano Massimo de’ Casamassimi from Lonato del Garda, Fernando Perticaroli from Travagliato, Luigi Petrone from San Felice del Benaco, Angelo Pignatelli from Brescia, Giuseppina Prestini from Alfianello Mario Ranieri from Brescia, Vincenzo Reddavide from Brescia, Marina Scardi from Rovato , Giuseppe Antonio Scolaro from Corte Franca, Gian Mario Sechi from Manerbio, Andrea Tortelli from Ospitaletto, Salvatore Tramis from Brescia, Rudy Zucca from Calcinato.

The two Camuni, Alessandro Bonomelli And Silvano Chiocchiniwere awarded for their commitment: the first in the social and political-administrative field, where he still holds the position of president of the Mountain Community of Valle Camonica, the second in the social and health field for the activity it carries out with the Association “Friends” Of Wooden bridge and in the training of volunteers for the 118 service.

The conclusion of the day of celebration at Palazzo del Broletto with the concert of the “Isidoro Capitanio” Citizen Band.

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