Italy 24 Press News


A Knight of the Republic in the Local Police of Latina. The Mayor’s best wishes for the celebration of June 2nd

Today, as part of the ceremonies for the 78th anniversary of Republic Day, Mayor Matilde Celentano presented the honor of Knight of the Republic to Emilio Boscaro, deputy assistant commissioner of the Local Police of Latina.

“The honor conferred by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella on a man from the Local Police of Latina – stated Mayor Celentano – is a source of pride for the municipal administration, for the Local Police Corps and, interpreting the common feeling, for the entire city community. I wish officer Boscaro, an upright professional, a good career continuation, always characterized by competence and reliability”.

Mayor Celentano, deputy mayor Massimiliano Carnevale, councilors Francesca Tesone and Antonio Cosentino, and numerous city councilors took part this morning in the celebrations organized, as usual, in Piazza della Libertà by the Prefecture and the Municipality of Latina.

“It was a wonderful moment of sharing the celebration with the citizens and the authorities present – ​​underlined the first citizen, on the sidelines of the event presided over by the Prefect Maurizio Falco – On 2 and 3 June 1946, exactly 78 years ago, we it was the institutional referendum with which the majority of Italians chose to entrust the future of our national team to the republican form of government, abandoning the monarchy forever. Furthermore, the Constituent Assembly was elected. Republic Day on June 2nd also celebrates, and I like to highlight this, the day when suffrage became universal. For the first time, Italian women went to the polls to exercise their right to vote. And the response was extraordinary.”

“I wish all the citizens of Latina a happy Republic Day. Today’s celebration reminds us of the birth of the Italian Republic, in the name of the main democratic values ​​underlying our society: freedom, equality, pluralism, solidarity. Long live the Republic, long live the Tricolore, long live Latina”, concluded Mayor Celentano.

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