Italy 24 Press News

The music of two hundred young people in the square, the honors in the prefecture: Piacenza celebrates the Republic

An orchestra made up entirely of young and very young people, 200 of them, accompanied the Republic Day celebrations in Piazza Cavalli. We are talking about the Cinque Quarti orchestra, the result of an orchestral laboratory developed by the 4th Circolo Didattico of Piacenza, extended to various schools in Piacenza and the Province. Orchestra which is a symbol of the future, a symbol of hope: and considering the international scenarios, we really need hope. After the ceremony, the institutions moved to the prefecture for the appointment of the eight new knights and two officers.


Lieutenant Fabio Esposito

Lieutenant Fabio Esposito has been a member of the Economic-Financial Police Unit of Piacenza since 3 September 2007. Having enlisted in the Corps in 1997, he received various moral rewards for his service. Also active in the social sphere, he collaborates with the Italian Red Cross to collect food and basic necessities for families in difficulty; with the Diocesan Caritas of Piacenza and Bobbio he works for the collection and distribution of discarded clothing for people in need; as a Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem he contributes to the implementation of activities in favor of Catholic Works and Institutions in the Holy Land.

Col. t. ISSMI Corrado Loero

Col. t. ISSMI Corrado Loero has been Provincial Commander of the Guardia di Finanza of Piacenza since July 2021.

In carrying out the complex and delicate functions of the Command, his professional and personal skills have allowed him to complete important and delicate operations which have, among other things, made it possible to ascertain frauds amounting to approximately 2 million 700 thousand euros from 2022 to date, discover 56 tax evaders in total and to report 127 individuals for tax crimes, as well as to stamp out dangerous international drug trafficking in recent months. In the complex framework of post-pandemic economic recovery, the Officer’s commitment to combating economic and financial crimes was strong: from this perspective, also thanks to the ability to establish collaborative relationships with the various institutions present in the province, is used for the signing of memoranda of understanding with the Province and Municipality of Piacenza aimed at promptly verifying the correct use of the huge financial resources – such as the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (Pnrr) – made available by the State and the European Union .


Dr. Anna Maria Andena

Dr. Anna Maria Andena, General Practitioner, was appointed District Director of the City of Piacenza in May 2018, first holding the role of director of the Primary Care Production Unit and then director of the Clinical Government Unit since July of the same year. territorial. During the Covid 19 pandemic, she stood out for her ability to best organize the complex activity of the Special Care Continuity Units (USCA), of which she was personally involved in the institution and governance, showing a fruitful and constant in guaranteeing home health care in a timely manner. Furthermore, since the first phase of implementation of the anti-covid 19 vaccination campaign, it has shown an incessant commitment and has played a crucial role in coordinating the various aspects, logistical and otherwise, connected to the implementation of such a far-reaching campaign, interfacing with professionals external to the company such as pharmacists, general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice, organizing and managing as best as possible the thousands of vaccine administrations delivered to the population and in particular those at home, in local clinics, in social care facilities for the elderly and disabled people and in company vaccination points”.

1st Lieutenant Fabio Cappucciati

The 1st Lgt. Since 2006, Fabio Cappucciati has been employed by the 2nd Engineer Regiment Pontieri in Piacenza, in which he holds the position of Commander of the EOD Platoon. Having entered the Italian Army Non-Commissioned Officers School in 1984, during his military career he served in the 9th Parachute Assault Regiment “Col Moschin”. He has had various and repeated professional experiences in operational theaters abroad, including Somalia, Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Turkey and Kuwait. Furthermore, operations on the national territory such as Forza Paris in Sardinia and Operation Safe Roads in Rome during the Jubilee. To date, the non-commissioned officer has completed approximately 1,000 interventions to clear up the territory from war remnants.

Lieutenant Giacomo Forteleoni

The Lieutenant Special Charge of the Guardia di Finanza Giacomo Forteleoni, who enlisted in 1985, has been serving in the Piacenza area since August 1989. Former Commander of the Guardia di Finanza Lieutenant of Castel San Giovanni, as of 29 October 2019 he has held the position of Commander of the Section Flying operative of the Guardia di Finanza Group of Piacenza.

During his activity he received numerous moral awards for operational activities and, recently, the Mauritian medal of merit for ten decades of military career. During his stay in the Val Tidone area he was personally involved in both economic-financial police activity and in the social sector, also undertaking numerous initiatives. He personally organized the participation of the Corps’ musical band in the Val Tidone Festival music festival and is co-author of the publication “Guardia di Finanza and Val Tidone” describing the presence of the Corps in the valley, from the pre-unification period to the present day , further testimony to the deep connection with the Valtidone area. In 2023 he was awarded honorary citizenship of the Municipality of Alta Val Tidone.

Mr. Giuseppe Gattoni

Mr. Giuseppe Gattoni is a retired administrative assistant. From 1982 until 1 October 2022 he served at the Prefecture of Piacenza. During his professional career he worked at the Traffic and Traffic Decriminalization Office and the Financial Management Accounting Office, always operating with great dedication and availability, never separated from considerable sensitivity and attention.

Dr. Claudio Giordano

The Deputy Prefect Dr. Claudio Giordano has been working for the Prefecture of Piacenza since 2021. Since 2022 he has held the position of Deputy Head of Cabinet, as well as Manager Regent of Area III Civil Rights, citizenship, legal status of foreigners, immigration and right of asylum” and Manager Regent of Area IV Civil Protection, civil defense and coordination of Public Assistance”. Furthermore, since May 2023, Dr. Giordano has also been given the higher position, compared to his qualification, of Chief of Staff. In carrying out his duties, the Manager stood out for his spirit of service, in particular in the management of emergencies linked to the reception of Afghan (2021) and Ukrainian (2022) refugees, in addition to that of ordinary asylum seekers. In carrying out the complex and delicate functions assigned to him, which also involved particularly complex and difficult sectors such as social mediation, the management of civil protection emergencies, the manager was able to achieve excellent results by acting as a very valid support for the Prefecture’s action in a period marked by a serious shortage of prefectural career personnel.

Mrs. Raffaella Molinari

Mrs. Raffaella Molinari began working in the family business at a very young age, initially dedicated to the sale and repair of typewriters and stationery and then, from the 1970s with the introduction of VAT, also engaged in the sale of Registri Buffetti products , at the time the only factory producing accounting products (ledgers, VAT registers, bills, invoice blocks, etc.). In this context, Mrs. Molinari has always offered her service with maximum availability in order to provide valuable customer collaboration. Even today, despite the radical transformation of the market also in terms of requested products, the Lady continues to sell stationery products.

Mrs. Anna Ripa

Mrs. Anna Ripa is an Economic and Financial Officer serving at the Financial Management Accounting Office of the Prefecture of Piacenza with the role of Head of the Treasurer’s Office. In service at the local Prefecture since 1990, during your professional career you have carried out your activity in various administrative sectors, including Drug Addiction Operations Unit, Administrative Police, Municipal Secretaries, Citizenship and Political Refugees, Refugees, Provincial Electoral Office. You also served at the reception center for Albanian citizens established in 1997 in the municipality of Bettola. Outside of her professional activity, Ms. Ripa was a volunteer with the Italian Red Cross Rescue Service in Piacenza from 1992 until 2002, years during which she participated in the mission at the Emilia Romagna region camp located in San Cassiano (Macerata ) in favor of the earthquake victims of Umbria and Marche following the seismic events of 1998 and in 1999 at the Arcobaleno Mission in favor of the Albanian refugees fleeing from Kosovo at the Kavaje camp (Albania).

Dr. Giuseppina Suman

Dr. Giuseppina Suman began her professional career in 1989 as an employee at the Piacenza District Court, Office of the Judge for preliminary investigations. Subsequently you worked from 2000 to 2015 at the Court of Piacenza – Office of the Judge for preliminary investigations and then from 2015 to today at the Secretariat of the Presidency of the Court of Piacenza. During the covid 19 pandemic, Dr. Suman worked with self-sacrifice, precision and a spirit of service, ensuring constant presence in the Office, placing herself as an undisputed point of reference, also in connection, for all magistrates and administrative staff on every issue submitted to the post. Similarly, with reference to the period of post-emergency pandemic management and PNRR and UPP implementation, Dr. Suman assumed the key role of administrative contact for the best practices relating to the establishment of internal legal databases of maximum jurisprudence of the Office and of doctrine regarding the issues of penal reform.

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