Italy 24 Press News

Salerno, 84 migrants disembark, 20 minors and there is also a child

New landing of migrants on Republic Day at the port of Salerno. Eighty-four people, including 20 minors who come from Gambia, Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, Senegal.

There is also a small child among the refugees saved, in two different operations in the Mediterranean, by the Geo Barents, a Doctors Without Borders ship docked in the late afternoon, around 7pm yesterday at the Manfredi Pier in Salerno. A 17-year-old who was on board the ship will certainly be followed by the social policies of the municipality, as will the minors under 14 who will remain in the city, the others, however, will be hosted in other centers. This is the 34th landing in the city, the second since the beginning of the year.

“As always, we are ready to do our part – explains the municipal councilor for social policies, Paola De Roberto – both with regards to the disembarkation operations by making buses, showers, bathrooms and food available but above all subsequently in relation to the care of those are followed by us and follow specific paths. Our commitment is continuous.”

In particular, the anti-trafficking service, in collaboration with Arci, was alerted for the 17-year-old. “Almost all the women of the various landings, unfortunately, have suffered abuse,” explains councilor De Roberto. A new organizational effort but also one of reception with the structures that are starting to run out in the area. “Although national laws do not help, we as the Municipality of Salerno try to work on the issues of inclusion and integration with the resources we have regarding extreme poverty. It’s not a simple matter if the laws at a national level don’t help us”, concludes the councilor. The summit will be held in the Prefecture on Saturday morning to define times and methods.

“We have acquired, as the city of Salerno, an important reception capacity for at least ten years. We know how to operate in these circumstances. We welcome these people with solidarity. It is necessary that Italy does not close itself but offers the possibility of integration in our contexts. We also need a workforce”, explains the mayor of Salerno, Enzo Napoli.

“On this day there is a strange consonance of symbols – continues the mayor – Republic Day on the one hand and at the same time this new wave of refugees on our docks.

The Geo Barents vessel stood out for its great operational capacity.” Investigations by the Salerno Police Headquarters to identify any smugglers on board. “Our Constitution attracts solidarity among its founding values ​​and solidarity is also expressed through these moments – explains the prefect of Salerno, Francesco Esposito – The coincidence with June 2nd, Republic Day, reminds us of this. We find ourselves in a territory in the presence of a community that has always responded well and has always made solidarity its flag and continues to do so because I see that there is great attention and a great spirit of hospitality which is a source of pride for the entire territory province.Salerno is a reality that stands out for its ability to manage landings, reception and hospitality”, concludes the prefect.

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