Italy 24 Press News

“Freedom must be defended every day”

Republic Day, the Prefect of Cosenza Freedom must be defended every day

On the occasion of Republic Dayto Cosenza the usual ceremony in Piazza

Following the rendering of honors to the Prefect of Cosenza, Dr. Vittoria Ciaramella, the flag raising ceremony and the reading of the message from the President of the Republic. The ceremony continued with the presentation of the diplomas of honor to the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

Following this, Prefect Ciaramella held a speech “Civic Baptism” symbolically handing over the text of the Constitution to some young people from Cosenza who this year have become or are about to become adults.


“The message of President Mattarella addressed to all the Prefects of Italy, it particularly honors me and fills us with even more responsibility. The latter I took charge of. But I love the work I do precisely because I believe that freedom and equality are values ​​that must be defended every day. People need to know that the state is there. More young people in arms to defend our country? It shows that kids aren’t big babies. It is for this reason that I wanted to hand over the Constitution of the Italian Republic to the new 18-year-olds to ensure that they can always participate in the democratic life of the country while respecting constitutional values.”

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