Italy 24 Press News

Security alarm in Cagliari, Massimo Zedda: «More agents, but also interventions on culture and education»

His first thought «goes to 37-year-old Fabio Piga, victim of a fatal attack in a club in the centre. Condolences to relatives, friends and family.” The murder that occurred last night in Cagliari forcefully brings the issue of security in the city back to the fore and after Giuseppe Farris and Alessandra Zedda, the mayoral candidate Massimo Zedda also intervenes.

«The recent episodes, which had already raised alarm bells in numerous cases regarding the issue of safety and the very serious events that occurred in the night between Saturday and Sunday», he explains, «they deserve the maximum possible attention from all safety systems. We will have to intervene in agreement with the prefecture and all the other state bodies responsible for the control and safety of all of us to coordinate a greater presence of agents in the area”.

It is not just a local issue, according to the centre-left exponent, but concerns most Italian cities. «For this reason, together with the association of Italian Municipalities, we will ask for greater support from the government to the police engaged in the territory, taking into account that already today in Cagliari the municipal police, with an important effort by the officers, also operates at night, a rare case in an Italian city”.

Another aspect, according to Zedda, «concerns youth malaise, delinquency and episodes of crime which in this specific case led to the death of a 37-year-old young man. Interventions on culture and education, on the presence of psychologistson supporting the new generations who, from an early age, demonstrate aggression, discomfort and intolerance, are some of the actions that will be able to limit the recurrence of episodes like this.”

For the former mayor who wants to return to Palazzo Bacaredda «further reflection is necessary: social services, communities, as an alternative tool to prison, training courses or work in prison determine a 98% decrease in the possibility for the same convicted person to repeat other crimes. Maximum attention also applies to cases such as assaults and beatings which can lead to serious consequences that put people’s lives at risk. Even these episodes, certainly of lesser importance than the murder committed a few hours ago, should not be underestimated.”


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