Italy 24 Press News

Republic Day. The words of Pino Giordano

Republic Day. The words of Pino Giordano, Provincial Secretary of Ugl Matera

Pino Giordano: “The anniversary of June 2nd to appreciate the profound meaning and the very high ethical and historical value”.

“The Ugl Matera on the occasion of the 78th Anniversary of the Italian Republic Day today, Sunday 2 June 2024, dedicates special attention to the tricolor and its meanings. The green, white and red, with three vertical bands of equal dimensions as defined by article 12 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic of 27 December 1947, which symbolizes, with its colours, the founding values ​​of the State and recalls the historical episodes that they shaped our country. Celebrating the Italian Republic therefore means underlining the centrality of the person, the recognition of their integrity and inviolability and the primacy of equality between human beings; all rights that characterize the democratic structure of our Republic and values ​​in which the Ugl Union fully recognizes itself. For the Ugl of Matera, the Festival is ever closer to the people of Matera and to the citizens of southern Italy. We would like to remember what binds our territory, the Italian people, our flag, which is like a ‘bignami’ of Italian history: it summarizes and condensed two very important centuries that led to the creation of the Republic. There are many ways to rediscover our roots and they are all valid if they remind us of the opportunities and responsibilities deriving from being Italian citizens, especially among today’s young people: the day of 2 June for the Ugl must always make us understand that , only through appropriate and targeted forms of participation and awareness, can we appreciate the profound meaning and the very high ethical and historical value of an anniversary that is not only celebratory, but understood as a moment of reaffirmation and diffusion of the very high values ​​of which our Constitution it is a carrier”.

This is what Pino Giordano, Provincial Secretary of the Ugl Matera declared on the occasion of Republic Day.

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