Italy 24 Press News

Farewell to Alberto Monaco, the world of Palermo architects in mourning – BlogSicilia

Alberto Monaco, a well-known face in the professional category, has passed away at the age of 52 architects. Son of Jano Monaco, president of the council of the architects’ association of Palermo, is defined as “A restless and healthily curious spirit”, a lover of sport, a skilled swimmer and deeply in love with his profession. His death, caused by an illness, took him away yesterday, 1 June 2024. The Palermo community is dismayed by the tragic episode.

The funeral will take place on Monday 3 June at 9am at the church of Sant’Antonio di Padova; the function will be celebrated by Fra Mauro Billetta of the Danisinni parish.

The memory on social media

The disappearance of Alberto Monaco has thrown the entire community of Palermo into despair. Known for his ability to listen and his tireless commitment to his work, Alberto left a empty unbridgeable in the lives of those who knew and loved him. On social media there are hundreds of messages from friends who remember him for his humility and composure, two of the characteristics that made him a point of reference for many.

“You knew how to listen. You were a tireless worker. Perpetually in discussion with the best vision of yourself and your work. You knew you had an important role, but for you it was first and foremost a responsibility. And your generosity was equal only to your kindness in transmitting your experience, in waiting for a question, a reflection, which I liked to share knowing that I would never be judged. Humble, as the greatest are. Never banal, never pedantic. Always ready to question everything, first of all yourself. You knew Palermo in its most intimate places. In each of its labyrinths you knew where to find silence. I will always find you there Alberto Monaco. In the sunset at Sant’Erasmo. In the secret café of Villa Giulia. In the hidden gardens of Northern Palermo. Lightweight on your scooter. Elegant in your simplicity. The eyes fixed on other eyes and on the horizon” – wrote a colleague -.

Many messages in memory of Alberto Monaco, a man appreciated for his professionalism and humanity: “Today a special person left us, Alberto Monaco, an architect of those who don’t buy it, a restless spirit and healthily curious about answers that are not at all obvious, a man of culture with whom you could talk for hours and hours without getting tired. A great loss for all those who were lucky enough to listen to him” – writes a user -.

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