Italy 24 Press News

Latest generation eco-vandals attempt a blitz on Republic Day: stopped by the police

This morning, in the pouring rain of Rome, the police stopped the activists of Last generation who attempted to storm the parade Republic Day. The intervention of the police was rapid and effective, the military procession passed without problems and the Ultima Generation activists were stopped and taken to the police station by the officers for the usual identification process. Well aware that they would never have managed to break through the security cordon of the state police and the police, given the imposing security service prepared for the demonstration, the Ultima Generation activists nevertheless attempted the blitz to get people talking of himself.

Today, as in past years, these citizens who represent the substantial Constitution will not parade along the Imperial Forums“, write the Ultima Generation activists, implying that they too should have paraded in the Imperial Forums on Republic Day. Uninvited, they attempted to do so from gated, with a blitz that was born without success. “Even today with our action of civil disobedience nonviolent, we have chosen to put our bodies to protect the Republic, because we dream and want a different June 2nd, in which we truly celebrate the feast of all the people who are the Italian Republic, founded on social utility, security, freedom and human dignity“, they write again.

These organizations do not recognize the Republic as an institution but understand it as a freely interpretable entity, obviously to their advantage. They accuse the state apparatus of oppression and repression and in their demands they ask “justice and protection. We demand a repair fund to help the victims of increasingly frequent climate disasters“. One of them was filmed while making his proclamation in a car: “AND my responsibility protest and protect this Republic from collapse because the Italian government doesn’t care about the well-being and rights of its citizens“.

A delirium of omnipotence which, for months, has exposed the demonstrations in our country to the raids of these associations, always ready to intervene to disturb and make people talk about themselves. “The 15 Ultima Generation activists stopped by the police wanted to prevent the passage of the Republic Day procession.

My applause to the policemen of the Rome Police Headquarters who, with promptness and professionalism, blocked the vandals ‘armed’ with paint and padlocks, guaranteeing the smooth running of the Festival of all Italians”, was the comment of Matteo Piantedosi on social media. Probably, the activists intended to chain themselves and paint the soldiers’ path.

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