Italy 24 Press News

Road roundabouts could become urban green areas

Improve services to citizens, encourage collaboration with private entities, achieve cost savings, but above all protect urban decorum and enhance road intersections by turning them into small public green areas, all in line with what is indicated by the broader development plan social and environmental regeneration “Taranto Ecosystem”.

This is the objective that the municipal council led by mayor Rinaldo Melucci intends to pursue with the adoption of the resolution which provides for the publication of a notice for the search for sponsors interested in taking care of the floral arrangements of some city roundabouts.

This is what we read in a note released by Palazzo di Città.

The provision – continues the note – follows the initiative proposed by the Councilor for the Environment, Stefania Fornaro, and undertaken in continuity with the provisions of the current Urban Green Regulations of the Municipality of Taranto which contemplates the concession to companies and/or economic activities and commercial, banks and companies of all types to manage individual municipal green areas through a sponsorship agreement.

Interested parties must present a specific project specifying the interventions that will be carried out. The “green sponsors” will be allowed to install in the identified areas, in addition to flowers, trees, shrubs and hedges, one or more plaques with an advertising function which will allow a return in terms of visibility and image. It will be their responsibility to provide for the maintenance of the displays, enhancing and implementing the concept of municipal good.

At the moment there will be eleven city roundabouts to be involved in an initiative that aims not only to beautify and redevelop our street furniture, but also to achieve a high conservative standard and a qualified aesthetic level of public green areas, with a consequent increase in the value of the heritage municipal. As can be seen from the Council resolution, the agreement will be formalized through contracts of variable duration (in any case not less than two years and not extendable beyond 31 December 2027) which will regulate, according to the institution of the sponsor contract, the set-up, the maintenance and in some cases also the payment of utilities related to the irrigation system.

In parallel with this initiative, we are continuing the work on the maintenance of the greenery and planters in the Borgo – declared Mayor Melucci- With the company in charge we planned the pruning of the shrubs and bushes, their fertilization, the subsequent irrigation and the planting of seasonal flowering essences. Urban greenery is a common good that concerns the entire community and as an Administration we are doing our utmost to protect, regenerate and enhance it by following the guidelines of our experts.”

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