Italy 24 Press News

Olbia, extraordinary control by the Carabinieri: safe summer operation

Olbia. Yesterday evening 31 May 2024 i Carabinieri of the Territorial Department of Olbia they have completed a extraordinary control of the territory in the Municipalities of Olbia and Golfo Aranci, aimed at the prevention and repression of delinquent and deviant conduct, as well as the protection of the numerous resident citizens and tourists who are increasingly frequenting the streets and public places of the nightlife of Olbia and the Costa Smeralda.

Numerousthe I wasthe the checkthe of people and means, during which the identity documents were verifiedty and driving, as well as checking for any drivers under the influence of alcohol or narcotic substances. Fortunately the checks returned a positive situation, as no one was found at the steering wheel in a state of alcohol intoxication or under the influence of drugs.

The Army soldiers also dedicated themselves to verifying the healthiness of somein commercial establishments, sanctionsndo a pub for shortcomings in this regard labor law expertasduring the control, the military of Carabinieri unit Sassari Labor Inspectorate have ascertained the presence of an illegal worker. The irregularity cost the owner an administrative fine of more than €6,000 and the temporary closure of the business.

Now at the beginning den the summer, the Carabinieri of Olbia are planning a series of extraordinary checks of the areawhich will last until September, aimed at the prevention and repression of predatory crimesof drug crimes Andd to thethere administrative and health checks of commercial activities dedicated to catering and entertainment, in order to guarantee a SAFE SUMMER For the numerous citizens and tourists who, like every year, will populate Olbia and the entire coastline from La Maddalena to Porto San Paolo.

The activity saw the identification of approximately 150 people, 30 cars, the control of 5 commercial establishments and the use of approximately 30 soldiers in uniform and plain clothes.

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