Italy 24 Press News

Caltanissetta. On 3 June, for the anniversary of the murder of Adnan Siddique, initiatives in memory of his sacrifice – Il Fatto Nisseno

CALTANISSETTA. On the occasion of the anniversary of the murder of Adnan Siddique, this year too the MO.VI (Italian Volunteer Movement) and the House of Cultures and Volunteering “L. Colajanni” of Caltanissetta intend to renew the memory of the sacrifice and courage of the young Nisseno citizen of Pakistani origin, four years after his barbaric murder which took place on 3 June 2020. Adnan was an innocent victim of gangmastering and the racket of foreign laborers exploited for agricultural work, a criminal area in which – with courage, a high sense of civic duty and solidarity – Adnan contributed to helping his compatriots to denounce the exploiters.

In recent weeks the Court of Assizes of Caltanissetta, presided over by Roberta Serio (president, alongside Simone Petralia), filed the sentence of conviction in the first instance of judgment for those who were believed to be the murderers: more than 160 years in prison imposed; in all nine convictions and only one acquittal for murder, gangmastering and other related crimes.

On Monday 3 June, MO.VI organized a series of events which, starting from the memory of Adnan’s sacrifice, involve the entire community so that the luminous example that he has left us as a precious legacy is transformed, for all of us, into a commitment of civilization, of dignity, of social, civic and democratic struggle to regenerate our territories.

There were two main moments of the day: at 5.30 pm commemoration in memory of Adnan Siddique with the laying of flowers at the commemorative plaque located in via San Cataldo n. 10, where the barbaric murder took place, in the presence of the authorities and citizens; at 6.30 pm public meeting at the Casa delle Culture e del Volontariato “L. Colajanni” in via Xiboli n. 310. The speeches are expected from Filippo Maritato (President of MO.VI Caltanissetta), Salvatore A. Patrì (Lawyer for the civil parties: Siddique family – MO.VI – Municipality of Caltanissetta), Stefano Strino (Deputy Public Prosecutor of the Republic of Caltanissetta) and Manuela Caltabiano (Cooperative “Dokulaa”, Catania).

At the end of the meeting there will be a screening of the reportage “THE SILENCE OF SWEAT”, the valuable work – directed by Elia Miccichè – which takes inspiration from the brutal killing of Adnan to reveal a criminal system around the phenomenon in question.

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