Italy 24 Press News

Catanzaro. Capellupo councilor on beach concessions.

Press note from city councilor Vincenzo Capellupo:

In an increasingly ambiguous regulatory framework, the Municipality of Catanzaro has decided ahead of time to undertake a precise path to guarantee answers to the many families who work in the beach establishment sector and who have found themselves, for some time, with their backs against the wall with respect to the rebound of provisions between the European Union and the Italian Government.

A confusion that has affected every single coastal municipality, forced to race against time to save the summer season. Without going into the merits of a controversy that is flaring up among the centre-right forces, on a matter which has unfortunately become an object of propaganda, I can say without fear of contradiction that Catanzaro, with the political intuition of the mayor Fiorita, together with the branch councilor Borelli , and the solutions found by the managers, managed to get out of the quicksand by providing a useful mechanism to authorize the temporary extension of the concessions already in place and, at the same time, starting the operations imposed by the Bolkenstein directive for the tendering of the licences. Let’s safeguard the operators and make the administrative procedures safe, and this has been done by assuming responsibilities in time: this is the right way to protect the Municipality from possible appeals and plan the future with greater serenity>>.

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