Italy 24 Press News

Fair compensation for reiteration of contracts beyond 36 months for temporary teachers and ATA staff

The National Consumers Union (UNC) of Modica has initiated a very important legal action, aimed at obtaining compensation for ATA teachers and staff who have suffered the reiteration of fixed-term contracts beyond 36 months. This appeal is a direct response to the numerous reports from school staff (both teachers and ATA staff) who, despite their long period of service, continue to experience an unstable working condition, without adequate protection and above all precarious.

The reiteration of fixed-term contracts beyond 36 months represents a violation of national and community regulations, in particular of Directive 1999/70/EC of the Council of the European Union relating to the framework agreement on fixed-term work and equal treatment between permanent and fixed-term staff and Legislative Decree no. 368/2001 which transposes it into Italian law. This practice compromises the professional stability of teachers and ATA staff, negatively influencing the quality of teaching and teaching continuity.

UNC Modica’s appeal aims to obtain fair compensation for the teachers and ATA staff who have suffered the reiteration of contracts beyond 36 months, urging the Ministry of Education and Merit also to stabilize them indefinitely so to comply with European guidelines. This legal action aims to

Protection of the Rights of Teachers and ATA Staff: Guarantee that the rights of school staff are respected, obtaining financial recognition for the unjust reiteration of contracts, with an amount between 2.5 and 12 months of the gross salary.

“It is essential to obtain the right compensation for those who have suffered the reiteration of contracts considering that in the public sector there is currently no possibility of converting the relationship from a fixed-term to an indefinite period – as instead happens in the private sector” states the lawyer. Antonino Di Giacomo, collaborator of the UNC of Modica”. Adds the lawyer. Stefano Di Giacomo: “This appeal is essential to recognize the economic rights of school staff penalized by the reiteration of contracts. The compensation will be quantified by the Judge with an amount between 2.5 months’ salary and 12 months’ salary, the greater the years of service provided, the higher the compensation obtained.”

Requirements to Obtain Compensation: To participate in the appeal and obtain compensation, ATA teachers and staff must have had:

  1. Annual contracts until August 31st for over 36 months;
  2. Contracts until 30 June. But in this case it is necessary to evaluate whether he has worked at the same school and for the same subject for over 36 months.

We invite all teachers, ATA staff and interested school staff to join this legal action. The UNC of Modica is committed to providing information and legal support to obtain the right compensation. You can contact us for more information and to join the appeal at the following contact details:

Lawyer Antonino Di Giacomo Lawyer Stefano Di Giacomo


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