Italy 24 Press News

Disability and good hospital practices: discussed at a conference in Astiss

The voluntary association Passi Solidali OdV organizes the conference “Disability and good hospital practices. Health paths for people with disabilities: PASS project and DAMA project”which will take place on Saturday 1 June from 9am to 12.30pm, at the UniASTISS university campus in piazzale Fabrizio de Andrè, Asti.

During the conference, the hospital services aimed at people with disabilities PASS (doctors Eluisa Lo Presti and Alessia Praticò) and DAMA (doctor Giuliana Delia) will be presented by the relevant medical staff, to delve deeper into the topic and to open a reflection in the Asti area.

PASS, Care Paths for Individuals with Special Needs, is a service in the Tuscany region aimed at guaranteeing people with disabilities equal access to healthcare services in outpatient, hospitalization and emergency/urgency settings.

DAMA, Disabled Advanced Medical Assistance, is a hospital service structured to accommodate patients with serious disabilities, with communication difficulties or incapable of collaborating in clinical and instrumental tests, currently active in various hospital facilities throughout the country.

The conference was born and was organized together with the group of families with people with disabilities that the Passi Solidali association started at the end of last year and during the same there will also be some testimonies from the families who participated in this sharing process and proposal.

The event is free and booking is not necessary. Below is the detailed program for the morning.

9:00 – 9:30 am Greeting from the authorities

9.30-10.00 am The Passi Solidali ODV association of Asti presents itself

Family stories

– Irene’s story: the need for home care

– Orietta’s story: being the mother of a boy with a rare syndrome

– Francesca’s story: how can you access treatment if your child doesn’t want to go to the clinic?

10.00am – 10.45am PASS Project – Tuscany By doctors Eluisa Lo Presti and Alessia Praticò

10.45am – 11.00am Intermission

11.00 – 11.15am Stories of the families

– Giusi’s story: her experience as a nurse

– Gabriella’s story: “I don’t speak… I communicate!” Search for solutions and strategies in preparation for health visits

11.15am-11.45am DAMA Project – Piedmont By doctor Giuliana Delia

11.45am-12.30pm Space for questions

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