Italy 24 Press News

Calenda in Bergamo supports Carnevali; appreciates Gori, but no to the PD for Europe

Bergamo. Carlo Calenda arrives in Bergamo, in support of the candidacy of Elena Carnevali. Guest at the Point in via Sant’Orsola, Calenda, also in the city for an electoral aperitif with its candidates, Adriano Musitelli, Andrea Valentinoprovincial and citizen secretary of the party respectively, Daniela Colombo and Gaia Masserini. The frontman of Azione enters, greets, sits down and immediately makes clear the distinction between the choice to push the former PD MP and, conversely, to stay away from the logic of the Dem electoral campaign, by virtue of his candidacy for the European elections. Different political levels, different political choices. Which, translated, as Calenda says, means yes to support for the centre-left coalition for the administrative elections of the capital, by virtue of the work carried out in two terms of government of the territory of Giorgio Gori, but no to sprinting ahead of the mayor in his race for the European Championships.

Yes to Mayor Gori, no to the Democratic Party candidate

Gori promoted to mayor, but no alliance for what is now an opponent for the Brussels challenge. Moreover, just a few days ago, Calenda himself had not been at all tender either with Gori or with Bonaccini: he had in fact released blunt words to ANSA about the two Dem politicians, the same ones he repeated yesterday afternoon, Sunday May 26, on the occasion of his visit to the city.

“Those who vote thinking they are voting for Gori or Bonaccini are actually voting for Elly Schlein and her program, which is that of a very populist left, which claims the super bonus, and says that everything can be done without giving up anything – so Calenda -. We think that Schlein’s program is an unfeasible, unrealistic program, with candidates who say one thing and its opposite: for and against sending weapons to Ukraine, for and against abortion even, and so on on energy policy. That is not a government program. Gori is not the national secretary of the party.

Elly Schlein’s line is very clear and says, for example, that the green deal, as it is, is fine. This is a disaster and not only for Italy, but also and above all for the citizens. Maximum respect for Gori, but the Democratic Party is not managed by him. At the top there is another person who has chosen to present an indefinite program. With the consequent result that in Europe figures such as the mayor of Bergamo and at the same time Cecilia Strada are nominated, the opposites. You don’t do politics by proposing such distant candidates. Then tell me what difference in thought is there between me and Giorgio Gori? We think alike on 99% of issues and I would welcome him into Action tomorrow with open arms. The point is that those who vote for Gori vote for Schlein’s PD: I say this with the same frankness with which I reiterate my esteem and with which I recognize the great work done to date in his city. But we cannot continue to vote for parties that bring together such different thoughts, because this means making fun of people.”

Support for Elena Carnevali

For Calenda it is a firm yes to Elena Carnevali so that she can give continuity to the good governance of the territory, to the work done in these ten years. “I supported with great conviction the mandates of Gori, who has problems with his political position (laughs ed.), because he really did very well in Bergamo, as I am sure you will Elena. We have a desire and desire for continuity. Bergamo is one of the central places of my business, so much so that I continued the Industry 4.0 initiative with Bombassei and I still have many relationships with local businesses. We thus support a council that has demonstrated balance in knowing how to create and grow, which has done extraordinary work on culture, something that not all cities are able to do. We support the coalition headed by the right person to govern the city.”

The Action leader ranges from local to national and stings Meloni, starting from the controversy that arose as a result of the Government’s proposal to cut the budgets of the Municipalities that have received more funds from the PNRR: “The Government is asking Municipalities to help plug the hole created by the fake tax cut. Meloni is either underestimating the situation or hiding the 30 billion euro hole from which we start. I think one of the biggest problems is that the contributions go more to the Regions than to the Municipalities. With one hand they cut the tax wedge but with the other they do the same thing with contributions to administrations. It is a scam. Cutting resources to Municipalities means cutting services. Meloni made fun of the Italians and now he takes them back in another way.”

On the topic of abstentionism he explains: “We are underestimating what is happening. We have set the election date for Saturday and Sunday, in the middle of June, precisely on the days when schools close. The same ones where it hasn’t even been explained what you’re voting for. Europe is an object that we have not explained to the citizens. I hope that the civic appeal of the city will lead people to vote for Brussels too. And an electoral campaign that doesn’t talk about Europe in the city doesn’t help. I am very alarmed by the situation. Voting is a collective responsibility and the risk that only 40 percent of the population votes is real.”

Action as a driving force for the centre’s vote? Calenda prefers to talk about good governance of the territory, a concept that is not within the parties but which is freed from solid administration: “The art of governing is produced by governing well. It’s fair to say that Gori was a good mayor. Action is for those who work best, not for ideological reasons. Bergamo is impeccably maintained. And common sense politics is neither right nor left. My appeal to vote therefore goes to popular common sense. Gori was mayor of the whole city, not just of some citizens. Just as I am a parliamentarian for all Italians and not just for one political party, although elected by those who chose my party. Meloni can’t do this. It should be the institutional voice of all citizens, but that is not the case. In Bergamo we will win if we convince the citizens that this city has been well governed and that it can also govern better.”

“We collaborated in drafting the program and thanks to Action the coalition can count on a party that embodies the highest rate of reformism, capable of combining vision and concreteness, the same legacy that we collect after these ten years of mandate, the one that we want to put fruitful – like this Elena Carnevali -. Together we will work so that Bergamo grows in sustainability, skills and its entrepreneurial fabric, to continue to be a competitive territory on a European scale. I was struck by the crazy choice to carry out spending reviews with local authorities who were able to take home more funds from the PNRR. We do not create empty boxes, but we guarantee services.

And it strikes me very much not to have heard a word from my competitors, perhaps because the choice comes from the center-right. For any candidate, it is in the interest of not supporting this initiative. I hope for a change of heart. Azione represents an important presence, due to its experience, its scope and its ability to introduce new elements. Because it helps us grow the cultural dimension of this city.”

“We want to ground our ideas with concrete actions – like this Adriano Musitelli –. The city exists because people want to pool resources and solidarity. Legality and safety are the foundations of doing good politics in the area. Protecting the territory makes a city beautiful and safe and the Municipality can also do a lot in terms of bringing citizens closer together.”

He is also the one to intervene Andrea Moltrasio, already candidate for the 2022 Politics for Action: “I chose the part that I think is right: I have always appreciated Elena’s seriousness. Should he manage the administration of the city, he will do so with the same competence – says Moltrasio who never fails to remove a few stones from his shoes -. The electoral campaign of a political party it is made up of somewhat silly slogans and controversies. My siding with Elena, a positioning aimed at respecting two people I know very well, who have been friends for years, has been highly criticized.”

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