Italy 24 Press News

They get lost on the Gran Sasso, three rescued – Teramo

TERAMO. The alarm went off late on Friday evening when the single emergency number 112 received a request for help from three Roman hikers lost on the Gran Sasso.
Rescue efforts began immediately and the three were all recovered in good health. The operations of the technicians of the Abruzzo Alpine and Speleological Rescue, together with the mountain rescue of the financial police, ended around 3am on Saturday: the three hikers who had lost the trail to return to the valley, after having crossed the central channel of the Corno Grande, have been located and recovered.
They said that when it got dark they were afraid precisely because they couldn’t find the path to go down and they asked for help. Once at altitude, the rescuers assessed the health conditions of the three as good and they were accompanied on foot to Campo Imperatore.
It is the second rescue on the Gran Sasso which takes place within a week. A few days ago, in fact, the Alpine Rescue technicians intervened near the Calderone glacier, again on the Teramo side of the Gran Sasso, to rescue a Roman hiker who had slipped. The young man was recovered by the rescue technicians who intervened together with the 118 operators with the air ambulance from the L’Aquila hospital. The 33-year-old was hospitalized at San Salvatore del for fractures in his lower limbs, fortunately not in serious condition.

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