Italy 24 Press News

After a year she returned, new sighting in Italy: what it is

New sighting in the Gran Paradiso National Park, a significant event captured by the camera traps installed in the park. Here’s what it is…

New sighting –

Not long ago, after about a year, in Gran Paradiso National Park this species was sighted again. A significant event to say the least that was captured by camera traps of the park.

The images clearly show two passages of the specimen in a few days, thus signaling its presence in the region between Piedmont and the Valle d’Aosta.

The first sighting is dated October 2023, but this species has recently been immortalized again thanks to camera traps positioned primarily to monitor wolves.

These camera traps allowed us to confirm the presence of this species which is particularly difficult to observe in person.

Park wardens are still trying to understand whether it is the same specimen seen in October or another species. This is because this time the animal was seen wandering in a different valley.

A tourist also I found some trace, which is now under scrutiny, which suggests further evidence of its presence species.

New sighting in the Gran Paradiso National Park

After about a year she was spotted in Gran Paradiso National Park a lynx, in Italy the lynxes There are only five recognized, so every sighting of it is extremely important.

L’Park Authority stated that, despite reports of lynx inside the air date back to around the 1980s, only with the introduction of new technology camera traps it was possible to document their return in a concrete way.

This species disappeared in the early 1900s and the main cause was hunting and the loss of theirs natural habitat. During recent years, however, some specimens, coming from Swiss and from Slovenia, began to repopulate the region.

L’Park Authority, To protect the specimen and ensure that the park’s surveillance force can do its job without being disturbed, it has decided to keep the exact location of the sightings private.

This choice was crucial precisely to avoid possible interference from humans and to allow scientists and experts to continue to calmly monitor the situation.

The reappearance of this species within the Gran Paradiso National Park it’s a positive sign. Hope is what the lynx can re-establish and thrive within this area, thus contributing to the biodiversity and richness of the park.

Lince –

Furthermore, thePark Authority is trying to ensure this species a habitat safe and secure. This is to allow it to form a stable population that can increasingly enrich the ecosystem of Alps.

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